thomas and friends mini series

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have used reivax's list to update pablos google doc. just need to confirm the number for sweets ferdinand.
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It’s a weird number. It was just 44. Possible typo? I took a picture with each bag after opening So I didn’t forget.

No worries. I’m in southern Ontario Canada.

Any other pics you need, ask away. I took a few angles of the rereleases in case anyone wanted to observe if they are unique at all.
[Image: BDAFC0-F0-A800-4-AF4-9-A68-23-E795-E7-D7-C6.jpg]

Also, sun, what trains do you need now to be caught up? My mom gave me her collection a handful of months ago and she had quite a few of the rarer ones. I possibly have doubles now if something you may need?
ok, so he is a repeat then. the number makes sense in that respect. what are the other repeats, please? some of the names are the same, but hard to know if they have updated them at all.

thats right, i should have remembered that!! i have spent a bit of time in meaford and owen sound area, but not for a long time now. i miss meaford, wonderful little town.

all i need now is series 24, this years advent calendar and that white cat from the fizz n go percy. managed to get caught up with help from nigels and amazon. Smile thats cool that your mum collected as well!
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(This post was last modified: 07-18-2021, 04:59 PM by sunhuntin.)
What store did you find them at? Smile

(07-18-2021, 03:15 AM)Reivax Wrote: Found the new ones today. Very surprised. Guess I always am when I come across them.

[Image: 414-F01-B8-0026-4-D06-A81-F-B792-C0-BD7-B4-B.jpg]

[Image: C6-F2-D316-7-B0-A-4134-BF84-154-B6-CD5235-E.png]

Despite paying for all 24, I must have somehow misplaced the new look James and will go back tomorrow to get it. Not sure if this link will work, but I tried to take a pic of all of them. And I took various pics of the old ones to inspect for variations but I haven’t gone back to check myself.
Mike, I found them at Walmart. It’s where I’ve been able to find the last few series. Think it’s been a while I’ve actually found anything new anywhere else.

I finally took the time to compare the repeats to the original weighted trains. So, there’s a distinct paint job difference in all of them and in all the new ones there’s whites in their eyes. Compared to a solid black dot on the old ones.

I don’t know at the moment if these particular paint jobs have been released at some point after the original weighted and before the current wave. I suppose I’d say these would be considered variants..compared to the originals at least.

However, they are in theory rereleases I guess. Along with the 3 sweets and ice cream troublesome trucks.

[Image: 2-C7-A242-F-07-F1-4-E37-9257-1856-ABCAAE0-E.jpg]

[Image: 7782-A91-B-A9-CD-43-B0-A2-A6-3422-E21-CA43-C.jpg]

[Image: D56-C4-F2-D-5999-49-EF-8-A0-D-3-A326-C09-BEA1.jpg]

And sun, Ontario is great. Cool that you’ve spent time here. I’m closer to Toronto, but I’ve spent plenty of time all around the province. It’s very beautiful.
I just compared the new Thomas, diesel and Percy with other non-weighted trains in my extras bin and they all had the old paint jobs on them. Seems like these 3 new ones may be new paint jobs.
very nice reivax! those new paint jobs look great.

i spent a little time in toronto, went up the CN tower, but was mostly in meaford. i would like to get back to toronto and go to the roundhouse railroad place near the tower. it looks amazing!
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Great side by side pictures! If you hunt variations these are a must for your collection. Are there any differences with the new ‘sweets’ series compared to the old ones? Walmart seems to be the only place that has them here as well. I have seen some at Real Canadian superstore as well. But not consistently.
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2021, 06:17 PM by Super.)
I can’t see any difference in the sweets. Other than they look a little crappier and cheaper than the originals in certain areas.

Thanks for the pointer about the museum, sun. I’ve been in that area way too many times and I never knew that was there. I knew The Rec Room arcade was there. Tongue

I will for SURE be taking my kids there. Now that so much is finally open I’ll make sure that happens this summer.

Oh and I found the new look James after the fact, so here’s a pic. I like this one.
[Image: 40-AC0-D98-41-C7-4-B83-BDE8-251-D0066-AE8-C.jpg]
no worries. one of these days, i will get there. if you make it, please share photos!!

glad you found the james. i am puzzled as to why on earth he is pink?
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