Your favourite train!

35 Replies, 51919 Views

This is an extremely hard question but if I had to pick one it would be the totally 80's Furano Express!

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[-] The following 2 users Like Gerisplarail1's post:
  • Chrisf1961, Ucwepn
Hey Geris...does Tomy make a motorized replica of this Furana Express?
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • Chrisf1961, Gerisplarail1
Yes Sir, They produced the one pictured and ANA Big Sneaker Airport version
scroll down on the link below to see mine:

here is Big Sneaker (called that since it looks like a tennis shoe or sneaker)

(05-22-2014, 06:36 PM)Gerisplarail1 Wrote: Yes Sir, They produced the one pictured and ANA Big Sneaker Airport version
scroll down on the link below to see mine:

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(This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 06:42 PM by Gerisplarail1.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Gerisplarail1's post:
  • Chrisf1961
LOL...Big Sneaker. What do you think of the Tomy model of your favorite train. Is there some significance to the 2 ducks or is it just part of a logo?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Gerisplarail1
I really like the Tomy version of the Furano Express it is a very old release though so it is very hard to find in good condition, so I guess I only wish I could find a less used one than the one I own. Furano is a tourist city in Japan not sure about the ducks.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Gerisplarail1's post:
  • Chrisf1961
Heres another one of mine guys This Sentinal engine,Enterprise,which Den is based on
This actual one i rode as a child back in the late 60s/early 70s on Preston Docks where my father worked....Its now still being used on the docks now at the Ribble Steam Railway Museum.

[Image: 5426329386_8d76acecb5_b.jpg]

She can be seen here at work.

Click on the video link above to see her...also heres the website of the Ribble Steam Railway

Also this one guys ! a favourite of mine as well,built in my home town of Preston about 5 miles from where i lived ...THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC DELTIC !

[Image: delticnew.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 08:27 PM by Chrisf1961.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Chrisf1961's post:
  • Super

I had to look up the Ribble Steam Railroad Museum and ...WOW!...what a fantastic place. Do they really have that many trains on their site. Wish we had something that big near us.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Chrisf1961
Some of my favourite locos are these Janus class loco's from the 'Yorkshire engine company' when I worked at the steelworks we had a number of these diesel electric engines on site
[Image: C6702488-7055-435F-9BF5-F081B8A027D9_zpsustwybx8.jpg]

[Image: C0B189DF-B3CC-4B44-82C7-3B18E91F3061_zpsoayp1x8t.jpg]

They used to collect scrap from the scrap yard and pull a rake of trucks into the scrap bay where the scrap was collected by magnet cranes and put in baskets for melting in a furnace, to be honest I liked these because I worked with them,

If I had to pick a favourite steam engine, I've always liked the War Departmrnts austerity class 2-8-0

[Image: Ravensthorpe8F.jpg]

Another one of my favourites was this odd ball, a Beyer Garratt U1, we only had x1 of these in the UK, and it was used on one particular line (the wood head line between Sheffield and Manchester) it pulled heavy mineral trains and I've always liked it because it was a bit different

[Image: Garratt.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like Tramp's post:
  • Chrisf1961, Super
Yes they do! Preston Docks was a fully working Port up till the 70s,the Dock railway is still the one used today. The Sentinal engines that the docks had 2/3 of them,Enterprise Energy and Progress which all used to pull tar tankers from Lanfina.....Ive not been back home for a while buy yes its a great thing! We are very lucky to have so many preserved lines etc here in the Uk many Museums.

Fantastic Tramp ! are you in the UK ?
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 09:08 PM by Chrisf1961.)

That is an oddball. Is that a permanently attached tender on the front that actually has powered wheels straight from the engine? Is the rear tender powered also? What would be in the front tender, water? Sure very different.

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