FfarquharDeveloper's TrackMaster Customs

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On a completely different project right now so it'll probably need context.

6/12/21 Update

Timeline of photos showing the work done to make him look better and a bit more proportionally accurate.
All cuts were done with a Dremel or a knife blade. Putty work was done with Milliput and sculpting tools.

Bought a second Helpful Harvey and immediately got to work with it once I wasn't feeling groggy on Thursday (the day I got him).

Boiler and Smokebox cut off to see what's being worked with.
[Image: 6-10-21-harvey-comparison.jpg]

Cab Windows drilled and cut out to add them on.
[Image: 6-11-21-harvey-cab-windows.jpg]

Motor casing is cut down to help make room for the circular boiler.
[Image: 6-11-21-harvey-motor-cutting.jpg]

Face is test fitted on to see if there's enough clearance for the milliput replacement boiler/smokebox.
[Image: 6-11-21-harvey-motor-clearance.jpg][Image: 6-11-21-harvey-pre-millipuy.jpg]

First bit of milliput is added to get the basic shape down.
[Image: 6-11-21-harvey-milliput1.jpg]

The cab is cut open and stems on the cab windows are cleared out, most of the reshaping is done and just needs to be smoothened out, sanded, repainted, and given new stickers along with making the hook more functional with working gears and chain link.
[Image: 6-11-21-harvey-a.jpg][Image: 6-11-21-harvey-b.jpg][Image: 6-11-21-harvey-c.jpg][Image: 6-11-21-harvey-d.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
Ha!...shows you what I know...I had no idea there was a motorized Harvey.  Undecided   Nice work Ffar Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • DalaGStanator
6/29/21 Update

body made from milliput, funnel and flywheel from emily and truck, face is a resin cast of the wooden railway face, minor reshaping is done with plastic filler putty.
[Image: fergus-62921-1.jpg][Image: fergus-62921-2.jpg][Image: fergus-62921-3.jpg]

back to hiatus?? probably.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 3 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • chrisjo, DalaGStanator, Super
YES! There once was an engine who turned out fantastic (in your case, much more than once). He scales well in relation to Salty, 'Arry and Bert, and I love how you designed him with the Tomica World (non Plakid) figures in mind. This is the first time I recall resin being used in one of your projects. What kind is it, and where did you get it from? I wonder what other uses you might have for it.

I was a bit disappointed the flywheel is only for decoration (like on Trevor), but it's nothing compared to how good he looks. Eager to see the dark blue, gold and/or silver once he's painted up. Well worth the wait.
[-] The following 1 user Likes DalaGStanator's post:
  • Super
Very imaginative Ffar and a great use of used parts. Good job [Image: two-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif]
7/3/21 Update

I started painting Fergus.  I used Tamiya X-16 Purple, XF-1 Flat Black, and Testors Flat Brass.
He's purple for a few reasons:
1. It's my own take on Fergus lol.
2. I am not wasting time mixing up blue just to get the right color since I don't have it.
3. I went through with it instead of changing my mind and just painting him blue because somebody in a group chat said that Purple Fergus is bad and literally anything other than purple would be fine (I considered painting him Pink or Yellow instead).
[Image: fergus-7321.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 1 user Likes FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator
Fergus looks great Ffar Smile
Oh, well. His usual colour scheme lost its uniqueness anyway when Hank, Belle, Hong-Mei and Lorenzo appeared. If you want to be twice as original, you could also give him SCC initials like Bill, Ben and Timothy have (or even SCW for "Sodor Cement Works"). Would that be good or simply redundant? I don't recall seeing anyone use either of them in their headcanons.
[-] The following 1 user Likes DalaGStanator's post:
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I feel adding that on would be slightly redundant and would make him look more clunky.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
7/6/21 Update

ok first things first, my birthday is tomorrow (the 7th)
alright now to the funny talking trains with faces

Now if you remember my February recap video this Emily was shown:
[Image: Loco-Drive-Emily.png]

Dug her out last night and decided to work on her again:
[Image: emily-locomotive-driven.jpg]

Modifications done:
- Motor Casing cut down so it can be wired up to the motor inside of Emily
- Tender cut down and ready to be reworked (tender lining needs to be reconnected)
- Tender sits higher and is now level with Emily's footplate as the wheels are superglued underneath which allow the tender to be higher up
- Space cut out inside to make room for a motor
- Emily's cab "bufferbeam" has been slightly cut out to allow for the rubber connector to connect up to the tender correctly.

Mods that still need to be done:
- Add a tab underneath to make Emily compatible with stopping rails, automatic switch points, and a few other action rails
- Wire Emily up to her tender
-- Add the terminals back into the tender so she can be wired up
- Rebuff her buffers
- Fix the motor into place 
- Replace the rear tender wheel with another TOMY one
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super

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