There are quite a lot of YouTube videos showing the Enter-TRAIN-ment Junction Events. Looks like a great time.
Entertrainment Junction
Entertrainment Junction
There are quite a lot of YouTube videos showing the Enter-TRAIN-ment Junction Events. Looks like a great time.
Entertrainment Junction
5/29/21 Update
Since I posted these on Twitter and they were meant to be shown early anyways here's Peter Sam, Bluebell, and Old Shape Henry. Bluebell Bluebell is based on the ERTL Toy as that was what would've been used in the Later Episodes of Mad Bomber. Made out of a spare Thomas, Bluebell was painted in X-28 Park Green, XF-1 Flat Black, XF-7 Flat Red, Apple Barrel Satin White, and Testors Metallic Gold. Stickers were made in and then imported to a Cricut, and resized with trial and error. ![]() ![]() Old Shape Henry Old Shape Henry was done by cutting up a TOMY Henry and reshaping the firebox with milliput, since the boiler is so small and the original firebox covered the top of the motor the firebox has to be taller than the boiler. When done he was sprayed in several greens until I gave up and settled with a S5'ish Oliver Green. Cab Windows are Gordon's but slightly larger. His face is based off his sad face which was done by filing down the mouth and using filler to help rid the smile. ![]() Peter Sam At first, Peter Sam was painted in a Vallejo Green, this proved to be a mistake as the green was too pale and unsaturated. Which later saw him undergo a repaint in X-28 Park Green over the Vallejo Green. ![]() ![]()
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
Excellent work on all three of them. Bluebell's decals should've perhaps been a few millimetres bigger (taller and wider) and the white backgrounds are a little obvious, but the decals themselves are well made. Did you have to sand down the four holes to get the smokebox door to fit, or is it just stuck over them?
IMO, the "Season 5 Oliver" green (whatever its real name is) looks like a perfect match for Henry's factory shade. I didn't remember you even made sure to remove the sand dome and not only reshape the firebox. Still have no idea why not even one company ever made an old shape variant (not even as a limited edition). I actually think the Vallejo green better matched the more pale colour Peter Sam seems to have in S4, while the Park green looks like his colour in subsequent appearances and Duke the Lost Engine.
I just cut the holes off entirely for Bluebell's Smokebox. While the Vallejo green probably did match his s4 green better than the park green it just looked so ugly compared to all the other engines.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
Awesome Ffar
For Henry old shape, I heard people use Gordon's body and swap the face out. However it will be difficult to match Henry's green livery with spray paint or other types of paint.
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
Except in the TV series, his old firebox was (ironically) bigger than Gordon's to take up the same length as the new one (without extending the boiler). FfarDev did a more accurate job.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
So, you're building a poseable Pinchy for Diesel 10? Would be nice if the claw will be able to rotate in addition to opening/closing. Hopefully you could make the arm durable so it won't be too easily crushed (unless you intend to use LEGO like some other Pinchys I've seen). Good luck with it.
Anxious to see the finished project Ffar
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