Product Numbering & Bar Code Verification of Phantom Plarail Sets

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We contacted the original author. There is actually a way to edit Biglobe, but needs a different login webpage which is username and password protected. Biglobe has several version backups in the server. If we get permission successfully, we can edit the current webpage and override all versions. This will have to be done later, after we get all product number system codes and clearer box images. This will take a very very long time.
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  • chrisjo, Super
EF-58 (single car, yellow box, late front power), N-35, no barcode
C-12 (single car, yellow box, first generation power), TT-36, no barcode         (This is not the first generation C-12, siderods are different)
Round Trip (往復) EF-66 (white and yellow box, front power), no number system, barcode and JAN recorded
L Express (Toukyu, EC Box), TT-nn (nn is faded, can't see properly), barcode and JAN recorded

New numbering system found: TT-nn
It does make sense: Numbers in ascending order = Newer release.
                              ST mark can come in yellow and white, so it is difficult to see and oversight can happen.
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A very important set, the C-12 Rotary Snowplough Set (C-12ロータリーじゃせつしゃセット) will be added into the database. The vehicles look like the one in my profile photo. This set makes blind Plarail collectors cry. Fortunately we were very, very lucky to find an owner who is contactable.

Year 1973, G-22, no barcode and JAN number. (Black Tomy Logo, meaning the one with the boy and girl holding hands)

The New International Airport Set, 1978, is G-27. So G-nn could actually represent a year only within the G category.
(02-18-2020, 03:26 PM)Vio Wrote: Do we theorise that G-nn numbering system retired in 1978?

We can conclude the G category of numbers belong to the early Hikari-Go mark box art style sets. This means the New International Airport Set and the C-62 Bridge Set are the final sets released in 1978 and the final sets in the early Hikari-Go mark period. (I own the airport set currently) ... The next part of the research is to find the number system of the C-62 Bridge Set. We need to also find what does G literally stand for...
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Tentetsuki (1 lane to 4 lane switch, first generation) has been found recently.

Year 1974, G-23, similar packing colouring style as early Hikari-Go Mark sets.

[Image: i-img1200x800-1534996061mwx2sq274.jpg]
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  • chrisjo, Super
Is that one of these Vio? These are very much sought after and go for a very high price when they are available.

[Image: i-img960x960-1579836033dankpl8172.jpg]
This is the second generation, not the first one. The first one has smaller levers and no grooves for the levers to rest.
My mistake, I thought there was only one 4 way and that had the levers and I thought the next generation had no levers so one had to move each yellow switch by hand but I may be confusing the big ones that came in the Large Train Maintenance set which also fits perfectly with the Plarail storage garage.. What I like about the one you pictured is that it has such a small footprint which I think is what attracts everyone to it. That and the fact that it has the levers to operate the switches.

[Image: i-img1200x900-1580827423tkwi4t284.jpg]

[Image: 10048731a.jpg]

[Image: i-img900x1200-1534995853mrvcsx62.jpg]
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I'm not sure whether I understand you, but I'm talking about the Tentetsuki, not the newer 1 lane to 4 lane switch.

Second generation on the left, first generation on the right: (Do you see those grooves and the longer lever on the second generation? They don't appear on the first generation)

[Image: 20191022041841.png]
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Ahhh...there is the difference. I don't think I would have ever noticed that if it weren't for you pointing it out Vio.
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