Product Numbering & Bar Code Verification of Phantom Plarail Sets

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We found the answer of the G-nn and MS-nn series, their relationship and mainly G-nn's confirmation of all Plarail sets.

1. We know that the oldest G series is G-20 (1971), it is a black box much to our surprise. G-nn is initially thought to be corresponding to Early Hikari-Go Mark Era, but there are no parts of a black box in Early Hikari-Go Mark Era (as they are all in light grey or sky blue ribbons). The black box set is still unknown, but we know that it is produced during the Merry-Go-Round Era, which is 1 era before the Early Hikari-Go Mark Era.

[Image: EVO4-Q-v-U0-AEaul-T.jpg]

2. We also know that the earliest MS series is MS-28 which is the Blue Train Set (1979), some sets of the Mid Hikari-Go Mark Era (yellow box sets (also known as 5th Gen EC Box)) are manufactured in 1977 (like the Basic Set No. 3). This tells us the the alphabets in the number series change according to box design, not by production era. (Summarised version of the conversation)

[Image: 11111.png]

3. Due to the phantom gem official 1979 catalogue that remained unconfirmed for nearly 41 years, and was won by our team leader in an auction, it tells us EVERY single set release dates of all the sets in the early Hikari-Go Mark Era. It is a highly valuable asset in research and so I will post the relevant sections of the catalogue here. As from here, you will now not need to refer to BigLobe Plarail Museum for initial manufacture dates. Don't just look at the pictures of the sets, take the time to read the names of the sets that are in the「」brackets, because the images of the sets in the brackets are not included.

[Image: 22222.png][Image: 33333.png]

Our research came such a long way. So now the G-nn series of number chronology is solved.

In order to get a G-nn number for a set, for example you want to get D-51 Ferry Boat Set (1976), the Last G-nn series number is G-27 (1978), so 1978 - 1976 = 2 and G-27 - 2 = G-25. The number is G-25.
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Congratulations Vio to you and your "Mission Impossible" Team.

How many pages are in that Catalog? It looks to be hard stock and not just paper because it can stand up. It looks to be in fantastic condition for its age, released maybe in the very early 80's?
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4 pages, hard paper but not cardboard. Should be before the 80s because the 80s catalogue is confirmed.
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This time I will show you pristine condition mix of phantom gems and some others kept by our team for research. Numbers are confirmed.

2 car set:

[Image: EVPX563-Uw-AEFwj-N.jpg]

3 car set:

[Image: EVPZOp-ZU8-AARf-SB.jpg]

[Image: EVPYGOYU8-AE3-T0-H.jpg]

[Image: EVPYZDFVAAMSfi-B.jpg]

[Image: EVPYvy-OUw-AAqp1-Z.jpg]

[Image: EVPZDV8-UUAAe7-Zi.jpg]

G-27 (At last, a beautiful 4th generation box!!! these are the rarest kind of boxes and my favourite type too) This is a phantom gem grooveless Tokai.
These boxes are only 1978-1980, so they all lie around the G-27 range, but I'm not sure whether they also exist in MS-28 (1979) and I'm anxious to find out.

[Image: EVQt1-CLUMAMT1-CX.jpg][Image: EVQt2-Db-Uc-AMwr-NQ.jpg]

G-22 -> G-23 is the transition of era. From Merry-Go-Round Mark to Early Hikari-Go. Although this transition does not apply to some sets.
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Finally add Family Travel Salon Car, TT-36. (1987) 
It seems that some friction power is still manufactured during transition from old power to new power phase.

[Image: EVPo-R9g-U8-Acws-I2.jpg]

Also add in First Generation Plarail: (Black Train unconfirmed, Both Colour Densha are TP-19046 (both boxes are different due to ST-mark location and colour.))

[Image: EVPZ7le-UUAAl-QJT.jpg][Image: EVPZrq8-UUAEfv-WE.jpg]
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A new problem arises as we found out that Basic No. 3 Set is G-26 (1977), and the box design is the yellow EC box. This breaks this generalisation of the G-nn to MS-nn numbering system:
(04-10-2020, 10:18 AM)Vio Wrote: 2. We also know that the earliest MS series is MS-28 which is the Blue Train Set (1979), some sets of the Mid Hikari-Go Mark Era (yellow box sets (also known as 5th Gen EC Box)) are manufactured in 1977 (like the Basic Set No. 3). This tells us the the alphabets in the number series change according to box design, not by production era. (Summarised version of the conversation)
We were expecting it to be MS-26, however it is not the case.
[Image: m82691648482-1.jpg][Image: 11111.jpg]
The confirmed number progression is G-20, G-21 ... G-27, MS-28, MS-29...
Once I get my Basic No. 3 Set with the Panorama Limited Express, I will reconfirm my number with the L Limited Express version.
It looks like the research still has to continue...
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I'm REALLY enjoying this thread!
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(04-10-2020, 05:37 PM)Vio Wrote: Family Travel Salon Car, TT-36. (1986)

Oops, it is actually 1987-1988. It is produced for only 1 year. (We will cover TT-nn series later)
TT-36 is 1987, and MS-28 is 1979. 36-28=8 and 87-79=8 so it is correct when checked against each other.

Others added in:
MS-30 - Kintetsu Vista Car
N-35 - Oufuku EF-66 (has barcode and JAN number)
G-19 - New Densha


「G-19 ... G-27」、「MS-28 ... MS-32」、「N-33 ... N-35」、「TT-36 ...」are how the numbers are confirmed to proceed so far.
Team has posted information about this:
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Melody Tohoku Joetsu Set is 1982, I will state it here because BigLobe Plarail Musuem made an error on stating that the production started at 1985.
TT-37 seems to exist, but since 1990 the system has changed. So I think TT-37 will be the last one in the TT-nn numbering. (Unconfirmed, will check later)

- - -

We found the numbering systems for 1988 to 2019. This is the "ST n" numbering system.

How "ST n" works: The last two digits of the manufacturing year are the corresponding numbers. "ST 19" will be manufactured in 2019. And, 1988 = 8, 1989 = 9, 1990 = 0 or 90, 2000 = 0 or 00 ...

The weakness of this system is that every tenth of a year is omitted unless you scan that barcode and JAN number to find out the year.

[Image: 1111.jpg]
L Limited Express Rail Road Crossing Set, 1988 Reprint is ST 8.

What we have for now: 「G-19 ... G-27」、「MS-28 ... MS-32」、「N-33 ... N-35」、「TT-36 ... TT-37 (unconfirmed)」、「ST 8 ... ST 19 / ST 0」
Actual years:                   1971 ... 1978            1979 ... 1983           1984 ... 1986          1987 ... 1988 (unconfirmed)           1988 ... 2019 / 2020
Kind of general era:   Early Hikari-Go Mark    Mid Hikari-Go Mark    Late Hikari-Go Mark            Red TOMY Logo           Red TOMY Logo to Blue TOMY Logo
                                Mid Hikari-Go Mark    Late Hikari-Go Mark   Winter Production Era       Logo changed                          Logo changed

The reason why there are 2 eras in a stretch of the years is because as said previously: Basic No. 3 Set (1977) is a yellow box and has the Mid Hikari-Go Mark.

Winter Production Era is where most of the scarce Plarail are released in one shot, like the Hankyu 6300, Relay Shinkansen, Family Travel Salon Car, etc...

This is the general guide on how to determine the era:

[Image: 7777.png]
1st is Early, 2nd is Mid, 3rd is Late. If box does not have the logo on the front but has it on the sides, it is manufactured during Late era.
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It seems that different G-nn numbers exist for the same box that has a different ST mark.
We have found "Kaisoku Densha" and "New Densha" numbers where black ST mark is G-19 and red ST mark is G-21, we will continue looking for other boxes with different ST mark colours.

[Image: EVm96-H8-U8-AAv-WQc.png]
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