Its Happening Again! UPDATE New Package!

39 Replies, 39348 Views

I don't know I go away for a few days and you pinch my package - mystery solved it should have been on my doorstep lol!!

Seriously, nice haul there mate, even one of my favourite trains (the scenery one in light blue) Smile

If they are Nintendo/Bandai figurines they are indeed the genuine article, you can get cheap ones from China (like I did), but the real ones are worth more, some of them considerably more although I have no real view on the market as I only got them to populate a train Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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Pokemon sadly has sadly passed the peak. They are not as valuable as before.
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I would like to list these on Ebay but I don't know where these are from or where they connect to. I think we discussed the top two ramp type items recently that may have been for pre-motorized Tomy and I recognize the last ones but can't remember what they were. Any Help?

[Image: 042.jpg]
The bottoms two I believe go to the Pokémon set that I have or possibly a similar Thomas Diorama type set.
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
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Ah yes, there they are, Thank you much Mr Ripley. If anyone is in need of these let me know as they can have them for the cost of shipping.

[Image: knn47.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • ripley802
the top two are similar to the grey ramp used in the magnetic tomy range, on the red level crossing.

my website address has changed:
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
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Thanks Sunhuntin. Is that your set in the picture? It looks to be in perfect condition including the box.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • sunhuntin
all good. not sure where yours are from, and keen to see if anyone can track them down.

yes, its mine. got it from the uk with some other bits. the box and it being mint was the drawcard. i have so many of those level crossings without the arms. even my childhood one didnt survive unscathed, though i do have the arms with layers of old tape where i patched things up time and time again.
my website address has changed:
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[Image: wow-smiley-emoticon.gif]

I can't believe it!!!

I just received a package from the Japan Auctions and...It BEAT the Package arrival of the one at the beginning of this Thread which arrived in record time of slightly over 2 days at 53 hours 19 minutes. This package arrived at....get this.... 50 hours 43 minutes..... can you believe it? Barely over 2 days?

Accepted at the Japan Post Office on Sept 28th at 9:47am
Arrived at my door on Sept 30th at 12:30pm

This is truly remarkable. In most cases my packages arrive on the 3rd day to the 5th day after Posting in Japan. Kudos to the Japan Post and the United States Postal Service.

[Image: 003.jpg]
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  • ActionChugger, MuddyPoppins, Off The Rails, ripley802
Maybe size takes priority?
As this one is seeming even larger than the last? Wink
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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