What did you do to your trains today?

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Well i know this counts as yesterday... but i made a video on one of my model trains Big Grin
i just need to edit it now, and then i can upload it to youtube
mostly Plarail items
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anxious to see the video Perky.
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  • PerkyHydrAan
[Image: 87-ED92-B7-811-D-4-AD8-9539-6-BC12558-F092.jpg][Image: 97803-AAC-E0-FB-430-C-821-E-2115516-C19-C3.jpg][Image: 513421-BA-EA81-497-C-9-CA6-7-D74443-E0994.jpg]
[Image: 186-F6342-40-CD-4-DC1-B2-B7-B12-AE488-E593.jpg][Image: 79-BE918-A-7452-45-EB-8-C53-A55257-C09-B46.jpg][Image: 3-BB679-B0-56-F5-4-C8-C-82-D0-43015-C35-EB94.jpg]

A somewhat predictable minor upgrade to my motorised scratch built tank loco: incandescent lightbulbs wired to the motor as a headlamp and tail lamp, so that both light up while it runs. To install them, I punched holes in the running board and bunker and guided the wires through, and successfully wrapped the wires of both bulbs around the motor and battery contacts (again, no soldering at all). While not fully realistic, just the bare casings look proportionate to UK lamps unlike the DRG ones on the engines in Thomas & Friends. The removable boiler can still fit even with the untidy, unsoldered wiring around the battery and in the tanks. The only other problem is the tail lamp is wired through the firebox, although models with lights from the get go will have the wires hidden in better ways (such as under the footplates).
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2023, 07:38 PM by DalaGStanator.)
[-] The following 2 users Like DalaGStanator's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, Rich.gamble
I decided to set up a permanent track in my office giving me the opportunity to revise and add details over time. I have a 1 year old so previous tracks in common areas had to be packed up and had minimal accessories.

[Image: 20220805-191353.jpg]
Today I added a long planned expansion behind and around my desk. I put some engine sheds along the edge to protect the tracks from dust and my cables and there are regular tunnels in the back except where I might kick them.

[Image: 20220806-205715.jpg]
Here is the completed layout. I originally had points far to divert between the mountain and desk runs but the mountains weren't getting any use. Later I made two separate tracks and centralised all control near the front with a loop of track to sit in and divert for overtaking.

[Image: 20220806-205607.jpg]
Finally we ended up splitting the loop and diverting trains around in my daughters room. She loved sitting on the bed and seeing who came to visit. The hide and seek action of this and the desk made it more fun than a fully open run. In her room was a simple loop in but when i wash more double track i could do a larger loop next time.
[Image: 20220806-205804.jpg]
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That's amazing, wish I had that much track! Anyway, today I removed some of the details on my TOMY Thomas as to be in line with my other TOMYs
dreaming of piles of track 
[-] The following 2 users Like stainedgaming's post:
  • Rich.gamble, Super
I love it Rich...especially about the loop to your daughters room where she waited on her bed to see who comes to visit 😃👍
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Today I decided to start filming a remake of Oliver's find

What do you think?

[Image: Screenshot-52.png]
The magic of the GWR
[-] The following 3 users Like Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp's post:
  • Rich.gamble, Super, Therealblack64YT
Thats a spooky image of Oliver...What did he find...a ghost? 😁
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  • Therealblack64YT
The only light was the one from oliver. Unfortunately I can't seem to find my charger for my camera so until I can recharge the battery oliver is going to stay at the station wich you can't really see
The magic of the GWR
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Spoiler: he didn't quite notice what he found when he found it, but it caught Sir Topham Hatt's attention after he found Oliver where he got lost.
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