![[Image: CDF20-A27-7-CC6-4-E9-F-B408-2-EB07-AD5-AA5-E.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/fSN4TRCP/CDF20-A27-7-CC6-4-E9-F-B408-2-EB07-AD5-AA5-E.jpg)
![[Image: E3-A2-C2-C5-00-B7-44-B6-B038-24-BBD3074674.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/QVQGYcxZ/E3-A2-C2-C5-00-B7-44-B6-B038-24-BBD3074674.jpg)
![[Image: 17037-F79-8602-47-C4-9-CA1-B9221-C9-F5-BD7.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/TLmM6DVm/17037-F79-8602-47-C4-9-CA1-B9221-C9-F5-BD7.jpg)
I've put this here instead of my thread since I consider it "(a) simple change(s)". Gave the scratch built Jack a minor refurbishment, namely: a better bucket, proper mudguards, a more consistent no. 11 and some missing/faded spots of red. The previous bucket was too long and flat, rough on the inside and had one tooth less than it should have. I considered replacing it with a repainted green (farm) one in a similar size, but this proved more efficient. The old mudguards now act as supports for the improved ones.
![[Image: BBA99-E24-26-A3-4958-A0-E8-1-DEE7-F289245.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/5QqhHWk2/BBA99-E24-26-A3-4958-A0-E8-1-DEE7-F289245.jpg)
Also thought about measuring the Whistle & Go Thomas to make a "Pack Scale" copy with a more useful chassis and scratchbuilding trucks, track and a Percy to go with him. I'd rather scale down the Pack to match TOMY or Take Along, however.