What did you do to your trains today?

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[Image: CDF20-A27-7-CC6-4-E9-F-B408-2-EB07-AD5-AA5-E.jpg][Image: E3-A2-C2-C5-00-B7-44-B6-B038-24-BBD3074674.jpg][Image: 17037-F79-8602-47-C4-9-CA1-B9221-C9-F5-BD7.jpg]

I've put this here instead of my thread since I consider it "(a) simple change(s)". Gave the scratch built Jack a minor refurbishment, namely: a better bucket, proper mudguards, a more consistent no. 11 and some missing/faded spots of red. The previous bucket was too long and flat, rough on the inside and had one tooth less than it should have. I considered replacing it with a repainted green (farm) one in a similar size, but this proved more efficient. The old mudguards now act as supports for the improved ones.

[Image: BBA99-E24-26-A3-4958-A0-E8-1-DEE7-F289245.jpg]

Also thought about measuring the Whistle & Go Thomas to make a "Pack Scale" copy with a more useful chassis and scratchbuilding trucks, track and a Percy to go with him. I'd rather scale down the Pack to match TOMY or Take Along, however.
Love the look of those Mudguards
[Image: AFE702-D5-36-D7-4-ABD-8764-4-FBEBF8-C81-B0.jpg][Image: 37-AB47-FA-AFBA-4581-B01-D-B5-D12396-F891.jpg][Image: BC835487-AC00-470-D-AD1-F-4-CC49-FCDB4-EA.jpg]

As mentioned when I used it to make the end rail for my orange diesel, I took out the 3D pen to finish Henrietta's balconies. After measuring and drawing the end and door pieces, I cut off the side skewers to glue the doors on and kept the ones on the ends. Even on the lowest speed setting, the "hoops" were too hard to trace and turned out distorted, but it's better than not having them and making the balconies too wide. I intended to use the pen to redo the side walls and make them thinner/a bit more TOMY like. Also repainted the roof to cover up the chipped vents (not shown). She has since been given another new shade of orange to be closer to Annie and Clarabel's.
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[Image: 20-AB17-EA-87-D2-4627-965-A-63-A8-F77-D4002.jpg]

In an attempt to fix the scratch built friction Rocket, I cut down the other front wheel so it would no longer rub against the boiler. Sadly, I ended up cutting off too much and cracked part of it in the process. I had to refill the crack with superglue and hot melt glue and repaint, and a clear plastic tube was added to the axle to retain the same distance. I can only hope it will still reach the other rail after this mod, or I'd have to find how to make a new (but still thinner) rim. I know the chassis is starting to fall apart underneath the motor, but it depends on the external rails to push it up slightly at the front.
Hi Im Richard new here. I took apart thomas motor that wasnt working and it now starts but the movement jerks as it moves - kind of stop start. I checked the gears inside and it looks ok. I did however use the shell screw in the motor at first which may have made the motor case a bit loose? Also it did turn on briefly before the motor was screwed back in the chasis. Could be due to existing issue but the train looked like new.. It says 1992 on bottom from terrence log set. Any ideas?
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Hello Richard, Welcome to BPT's

To get you issues resolved let me suggest you start a new thread in the General Forum. This way more of our members will see it and also if others have the same problem it will be easier to find while searching.
Ok thanks didn't want to clutter the board for such a vague issue. I will make a proper post soon when i have time to do a video and respond more.
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2022, 11:45 PM by Super.)
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These popped up on my FB feed today…
Very very old and very silly thing that I made for Tully.
Molly Meringue
[Image: A25-C23-CE-A128-49-E5-88-DA-EDE1422-A2626.jpg]

[Image: FB6-C1-F60-045-C-4-BD4-8752-0-AC8957-C8619.jpg]
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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today i did nothing to my trains and i let them stretch their wheels on a new layout i built
dreaming of piles of track 
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[Image: smiley-face-laughing.gif] And what year might that have been from?
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