What did you do to your trains today?

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The scratch built Henrietta body I mentioned has now been painted, and these are the photos of the (partial) progress on it.

[Image: 010.jpg][Image: 011.jpg]

I just happened to have a box that had enough used long matches in the right condition. The matchsticks were glued on top of each other and onto pieces of paper, inspired by a method I learnt from various DIY videos with wooden pieces. The open windows were made by cutting twelve small pieces for each side and spacing them (more or less) according to the TOMY shell. I initially wanted to copy the sides with cardboard, but that proved even more difficult and not really as durable. The matchsticks helped give the "plank" texture of the real one, so that was another advantage. Compared to the "effortless" version, the balconies didn't really turn out equal in size. At this point, I forgot the middle bars and chose to leave out the "hoops". While the shell does come off easily, it manages to stay on well and doesn't need a screw post like the original has.

[Image: 013.jpg][Image: 016.jpg]

Unlike Henry (who used spray paint for the green parts and priming), she was fully hand painted and not primed except for the roof. I repainted it to better match Toby's colour instead of leaving it white (something I didn't do back then). The ventilators were made from the same type of skewer used for the end posts. I know they're the wrong size and shape and should be a lot smaller, but that's the result I got. I may or may not replace the whole roof anyway so it would be rounder and more precise. And here's how she looks with Toby:

[Image: 015.jpg]

Needless to say, I'm glad I made this and helped prevent a needless permanent mod I would regret for years (cutting away the ends of the TOMY shell). In my collection thread, I did state I wanted to build one for that exact reason. Looking forward to any further improvements.
[-] The following 1 user Likes DalaGStanator's post:
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Very cool and neat idea using the wooden matches...I like it Smile
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[Image: 001.jpg][Image: 003.jpg][Image: 002.jpg]

It may not be easy to tell except for the ventilators, but the roof has now been replaced and the balconies rebuilt (complete with the missing bars added). The main body was unchanged apart from a few minor repaints. I do like how the Annie/Clarabel/official Henrietta chassis happens to have spaces where the end posts can fit in and don't have to be glued/adhered.
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Well, I finally finished up trimming my first main line modular track section. My plan is to be able to attach them together to expand or contract.

[Image: 20210530-083107.jpg]

[Image: 20210530-083129.jpg]

I need to figure out corners, probably flex track. More importantly, this setup will allow me to change straight sections with switches to add siding modulars - for many destinations. Again, interchangable based on room and desire to operate sections of Sodor.

[Image: 20210530-083122.jpg]

Happy train running everyone!
[-] The following 1 user Likes FlyingKipper's post:
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I am liking those rails Kip! Smile
you may also want to invest in trackmaster/tomy adaptors.  Tomy tracks have a lot more track varieties.
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
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I think I have the Brendam Division sorted out. The setup will leave a gap of the main line so we shall see if I can live with it.

I got the big rc Cranky for my boys. They love operating it more than the trains!

The station will eventually go. I thought the Sodor Post was a throw away but it is actually a great common looking industrial brick facade. I want to pickup a couple more , update the decals and create a nice little industrial break.

[Image: 20210807-230756.jpg]
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Anxious to see what you come up with as far as an Industrial area Kipp

BTW: Love the real wood Knotty Pine paneling
(08-08-2021, 03:24 AM)FlyingKipper Wrote: I think I have the Brendam Division sorted out. The setup will leave a gap of the main line so we shall see if I can live with it.

I got the big rc Cranky for my boys. They love operating it more than the trains!

The station will eventually go. I thought the Sodor Post was a throw away but it is actually a great common looking industrial brick facade. I want to pickup a couple more , update the decals and create a nice little industrial break.

I think making a thread for your layout might be a good idea and the way to go for people who are interested in your work and want to keep track of it without having to sift through this thread for it.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 08-26-2021, 01:44 AM by Super.)
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[Image: 3-D67-C6-CA-B8-EA-4531-98-AF-19-BC9-DC1-A189.jpg][Image: 1-ECF7420-F02-E-4-BB4-82-C9-6-AF0-CE4-D9440.jpg][Image: 46-F5627-A-3524-429-C-9-B30-FA170-D8-B7061.jpg][Image: BBF8416-C-7-FA0-4-D7-D-AB2-B-8-F912987871-B.jpg][Image: 213-A287-F-269-C-4032-8238-B6-D7-A3-F1-A767.jpg]

Tried to restore the TOMY pull back Thomas and Percy for use as "large scale" versions when next to the Pack and/or the Skarloey Railway, like what the TV Series did. The correction fluid on the running boards was applied 15-16 years ago, so I scraped off as much as I could until they were mostly red again. Not even sanding helped remove the remnants. In addition, I repainted Thomas' faded back (not perfectly) and made minor improvements to both engines, such as recreating Percy's cab detail, repainting the dome and whistle valve gold and giving him cylinders, which were later cut down because they made him get stuck. The whistle has since been added to look like the original cab sticker. Here's how they look next to Jack and Alfie:

[Image: 3-A83884-E-A2-EC-489-F-9-B10-9-FAA1-F3-DBEB5.jpg][Image: 4-A5-D7-D37-B302-4-C43-AEEB-BAEA8506250-C.jpg]

P.S., even though the powered wheels are much thinner, they still don't fit on the Union Express track.
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2024, 01:48 PM by DalaGStanator.)
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