Battery terminals? Anyone know where to get these?

48 Replies, 54122 Views

Aside from scavenging from spares does anyone know where to get replacement battery terminals? I am looking for the "L" shaped ones that go on several models in particular the TnA and Steam Along. I have been able to use a wire attachment on my dremel to clean up the ones I have but they are not sealed after that and seem to get tarnished, etc.

I have search several terms but have yet to find a match. The other option I guess is if anyone know of a manufacture that maybe can make these from a template or something?

Thanks in advance.
I've not tried it specifically for this purpose yet, but there are a range of products called "Deoxit" that can both clean and protect battery terminals, as well as other electrical contacts.

Use sparingly, read safety instructions/warnings etc etc… and I know this doesn't solve the problem of finding replacement terminals, but it could be an option in future.
(12-15-2015, 06:48 AM)CapnPolo Wrote: I've not tried it specifically for this purpose yet, but there are a range of products called "Deoxit" that can both clean and protect battery terminals, as well as other electrical contacts.

Use sparingly, read safety instructions/warnings etc etc… and I know this doesn't solve the problem of finding replacement terminals, but it could be an option in future.

Thanks for the info. I have seen a few products for this, but my issue is that some of the terminals are completely corroded, like broken in two. They have seen far better days unfortunately.
Well I found these which seem to be close but not exact. Not sure if they would work or not. I find it odd that there are so many of these types of trains out there but no one sells the battery terminals and that seems to be one of the more common issues with them.
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I FOUND IT.... Problem now is how to get it.. Big Grin

I have sent an inquiry to the company but have not heard back yet. I also reached out to a company called digi-key to see if they have these, but they do not. They referred me to the actual part manufacture of a lot of their products so we will see what they say. Anyway here are some images of what I am looking for.


[Image: sheet-metal-stamping-part.jpg]
[Image: sheet-metal-stamping-part.jpg]
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Great find Ripley!
(12-19-2015, 02:17 AM)Super Wrote: Great find Ripley!

Yep, I wish there was a better description to use for searching, but as you can tell from the listing there isn't really a good name. I also found some listed on alibaba. Has anyone used this site before?
Anyone have any other thoughts on this one? Still no reply from either site on how to get the parts. It is a shame there doesn't seem to be anyone that sells the replacement terminals.
I found this site Mr Ripley, while they don't have any exactly like the originals there are some that could be useable if wired in appropriately;

Battery Contact Terminals

Cheers, Nigel
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(12-23-2015, 09:41 AM)Nigels Wrote: I found this site Mr Ripley, while they don't have any exactly like the originals there are some that could be useable if wired in appropriately;

Battery Contact Terminals

Cheers, Nigel

Thanks Nigel. Yeah this seem to be the "standard" ones I am seeing. Apparently the one I need is a "custom." Without the brass rivet I am not sure how they would attach to the train.

I actually heard back from the company in the first link I posted. They said the part is a custom one for a customer the have and they cannot make/sell it to anyone else. I asked if I could get it from the customer and they said no initially. Then came back with $.5 each with a minimum 100 order. I cannot do $50 on these though, especially when they have them listed for like $.001 each. Big Grin

I will take a look again and see if there is anything that may work. Thanks again.

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