Electrical Engineering *Lighting*

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Fantastic Tramp [Image: double-thumbs-up-thanks-smiley-emoticon.gif]

You do great, neat, work and that detailed Schematic is awesome. It sure is easy to understand that and it makes it easier for anyone browsing through here to be able to modify a train of their own. Also I see that because of the booster this train is a good candidate for using the rechargeable batteries that only put out 1.2 volts instead of the 1.5 volts that new Alkaline & Lithium's have.

Here is another question for ya. With my laymen s eye, according to the Schematic the booster only operates the 3 LED lights and the engine still runs off just the 1,5 volt AA battery right? Here is what I would be interested in knowing about ...If you installed a single AA battery holder in say a tender or coach and then installed the booster board in the engines original battery space and wired it to the positive/negative of the motor, how much faster would the train run at the 3.3 volts it provides and could the booster keep up with it. For that matter maybe a train engine shell itself would accommodate the battery and the booster with a little modification and avoid running wires to a trailing car. Then, if the test proved successful and the boosters 3.3 volt did increase the speed of a stock motor, how fast would the engine be if using the booster AND replacing the stock motor with a Power Dash?

[Image: modern-train-smiley-emoticon.gif]
It sounds like a good idea but practically, we might struggle, if you use the booster board for the motor, there's a good chance you could burn the booster out, I don't think it would provide enough current to power a standard motor, let alone a power dash! If you were wanting to power a pack from a trailing car I suggest using a twin AA pack or a twin AAA pack,

To be honest I was really impressed with the booster pack and would really recommend it for lighting purposes, the only drawbacks are that they can't supply much current,
Thanks Tramp

Using a two holder AA or triple A sometimes is too big for some rolling stock and I was looking for something like this booster in hopes not only would it beneficial for LED lighting but also for ease of modifying for speed. Oh well, back to the drawing board. I actually wasn't too impressed with the speed increase with our back to back Mavis mod using a two holder AA 3 volt battery's but then again I think I used 28 gauge wire between the #1 engine (with motor) and the #2 engine (with Battery pack) so maybe there was too much restriction. I must re-wire that with some of my 24 gauge soft silicone wire but....argh....I have so many mods and projects on my list. Speaking of that I will add pictures of our Latest Mod...One that we call "The Tribute Train" to first responders. Its complete and running but once again you won't get the real feel with pictures.....argh....the list...the list...have to get to making the videos

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Tribute Train
First Responders

Here are some rough pictures of the latest electrical mod using parts and such we had on hand. Each of these six cars have flashing LED's that flash both red and blue like a Police car. They are all powered by a 9 volt battery located in the car right behind the engine. We could have put it anywhere but chose that first car because of the weight of the battery and less chance for derails. Each of the cars have been wired using plugs so each one can be disconnected and removed if needed and the other cars will still work. The leads from the plugs that go from car to car are soft silicone wire which I love to work with as the silicone doesn't melt when soldering. The On/off switch is located in the rear window of the first/battery car. Flags were added to the engine and each car to dress it up and the flashing Jet car picks up the rear. It looks great running around the layout and fantastic with the lights off.

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Great work super, I love it, I bet it's great when it's running around in the dark, I love our engines with lights, it just adds a little extra level of play, although it's spring time here in England so we don't get the dark evenings like before, I'm looking forward to seeing some of your videos!
(This post was last modified: 03-12-2014, 10:02 AM by Tramp.)
Thanks Tramp...(that sounds funny. I always think of the movie Lady and the Tramp when I say it. Are you a smooth ladies man like the star of the movie?)

We too think that lighting adds a different level of enjoyment to just watching the trains go round. I am thinking that after the learning experience of constructing The Tribute Train, my next lighting project will be a string of coaches like you have done. That is after I do...that...and oh darn...there's that project...but I forgot about......Drat!!!...So many ideas...so little time.

[Image: pondering-and-thinking-smiley-emoticon.gif]
Ha I know what you mean, there is always so much to do, I had the chance to make a short video today if salty running with his new booster pack and rejuvenated led lighting

Hope it works ok! And smooth ladies man? Ha to be honest the only resemblance I have to the film is that I'm a bit of a dog! Ha ha
Excellent video Tramp

Like the music and defaced Salty's lights look fantastic and very bright even in daylight. I especially like the moving shadows of the iron girders when he rolls over the bridge. And lucky for everyone that he avoided that pacifier near the road crossing gates. Oh the horror if poor salty would have met the giant sucker head on. [Image: scared-smiley-emoticon.gif]

Quote:Hope it works ok! And smooth ladies man? Ha to be honest the only resemblance I have to the film is that I'm a bit of a dog! Ha ha

That is too funny [Image: laughing-dog-smiley-emoticon.gif]
Thanks super, (and ucwepn - for your YouTube like), the music is for a game I used to play when I was younger - banjo and kazooie for the Nintendo 64, the music was on a level called rusty bucket bay where you explore a harbour and an old rusty boat, it sort of seemed apt for a salty! And yeah, the first two clips are from the day time with both children about, my youngest is 1 and loves the trains, but she likes to derail them and stick her fingers on the wheels! After I got the two clips I gave up trying to film any more as they kept getting interrupted! So when my wife to the youngest out me and the eldest (he's 3) tidied the room and got the rest of the clips, that's why the second half is much darker (and the room is much tidier!)
I tried to make this video a little more exciting than precious ones but it's hard to know how much time to spend on each clip!
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2014, 12:25 AM by Tramp.)
Good video and great mod they no longer look like toys!
Ok, today I made a start on fitting headlights to my dd51, this one has had plenty of use, I couldn't fit a extra cell for the lighting before as it wasn't big enough, but a booster pack fits nicely in the cab!

[Image: 84B14C8C-C2F3-4A6D-8D91-A35E603D0FF8_zpsohnfvc4b.jpg]

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I'm just waiting for the glue to dry so I can assemble and run it,

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