Electrical Engineering *Lighting*

70 Replies, 108107 Views

Quite possibly, it looks the similar, it would be nice to know if it was, it would certainly be easier to install
Went to install one in thomas had all the wires cut and led ready to go and my soldering iron has died Sad going to return it today, hope I can continue and finish it this afternoon
Ok I would like to extend a HUGE thanks to Super & Tramp! What a fantastic idea! Here is my first ever installation in my custom 2012 Thomas, rather rudimentary compared to the previous efforts posted here by Super & Tramp but I am very happy with the results!

[Image: 20140504_170012.jpg]

[Image: 20140504_170648.jpg]
Awesome thread!
Evan Almighty and His Train Collection
[Image: banner12.jpg]
That works perfectly Ucwepn. What a great fit. [Image: clapping-happy-smiley-emoticon.gif] Will we be seeing this Thomas in the new Mod video you are working on?

ActionChugger, Does this make you want to try one for yourself?
Fantastic, great to see our threads are useful! How did you find doing the mod? It's not overly hard is it? Keep up the good work!
Actually very easy, the compact size of the chip put up hardly any fight and fit in that spot very well, I made it harder for myself because I only had solid core wire instead of the usual stranded stuff. I was worried when I read back through the thread and it was said it would need 2x leds or more to work, whats the reason for this? my level of electrical knowledge is very basic haha. If I could do it again I would have the chip at the rear of the loco so the onboard red led would shine out the back like a rear lamp. I will be showing this loco for sure in my next customs vid and I will try give you guys a mention and the forum! Big Grin I am very very happy with the result

[Image: 20140504_170034-1.jpg]

[Image: 20140504_170222.jpg]

[Image: 20140504_170308.jpg]
Great idea about placing the booster in the back and using the red LED on the board as a rear light if it fits. And great idea to give the Forum, Blueplastictracks.com a mention on your YouTube channel too. Maybe some of your fans will drop by and register to join the conversations.
[Image: huge-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif]
Indeed hehe I have mentioned it in the description before several times but I don't think many people bother to read it even though it covers any possible questions I mighbt get asked I still get asked those questions haha.
How about if you put some text at the bottom of the video near the end referring to Joining the conversation at Blueplastictracks.com would get their attention?

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