A Plea for Help

23 Replies, 20396 Views

Yes, it was bought yesterday and will take awhile to get over the ocean, I just wanted to know what else to buy in preparation for the wiring components.[/u]
I don't know much about these kits but maybe when it arrives and you go through it all you will find that you will understand it better. In any case, post the instructions when you receive it and maybe we can better help you.
From what I see of that kit on ebay it would be a static display model and it would be extremely difficult to motorize. The rails it comes with are plastic and the wheels look like display wheels. The best way to motorize this kit would be to find a complete motorized chassis and adapt your body and detail parts to fit.
I've seen videos of people motorizing it with the default bogies but, I can't say anything until I get it Smile
Oh...so this model isn't motorized but you want to motorize it? I was confused as you mentioned that the kit comes with a Mabuchi motor.
I believe it can be, or else the oval of track would be useless and the bogie wouldn't have framework support on it, the Mabuchi motor came from the seller as a throw in, and also I wouldn't think the wheels would be made out of metal if it was a display model
plastic rails as I said above not metal. Draw your own conclusion.

Are you talking about making it a battery powered engine? Because if the tracks are plastic, as Ucwepn says, they would not be able to carry the electrical current to the metal wheels to power a motor in the engine.
Oh, I know, but as the wheels are metal I think it would be able to take power from my EZ track
Oh...OK now things are becoming clearer on what you want to do. I wouldn't have the expertise in how to motorize non-motorized wheels but I am curious to learn. I hope someone would be able to help you out here. Have you done any Internet searches in hopes to find some help?

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