One Million Dollars for YouTube Channel

18 Replies, 19267 Views

I have watched Thomas Toy videos from this YouTube channel many times and always enjoyed them but I had no idea that they have made a million dollars from it. Check out this article of Hulyan Maya
Yes that is a very popular channel that became an overnight success! They seem to have some relationship with Fisher price as they are getting things very early!
I still don't see how people are making money. In the article it mentions Ads that run before the videos but I have yet to see any Ads on any YouTube Channel. They expect to make 1.5 million just this
do you have ad blocker installed? sometimes they are small banner ads about 15 seconds in, there will be a small yellow stripe on the red playbar if there is an advertisment. My modest earnings are right down haha, 2013 was my best year it's just gone downhill for me from there.
I don't have a yellow stripe or a red playbar. I do have an Ad Blocker installed. Guess thats why I don't see any Ads but I didn't think it would block something in a video. Do we have Ads here? Who is payng these people the money and is it counted as hits? Are they unique hits or can someone just keep hitting the play button to run up the count?
Super I just watched one of the videos of the family walking trough Toy R Us and buying a Firsher Price product. Well I think Toy R Us most likely paid them to come to Toy R Us instead of going to Walmart. And Fisher Price may have paid them to pick a certain FP item off the shelve and play with it. What a great world we live in, you can get paid to play with your kids. I got to get my grand son over here and start making videos.
Mike Arnett Customthomas
Maybe Mike but I would still like to know where the YouTube money comes from, how much is determined and where does it go.
well companies approach google to buy ads, they then bid against other companies to get prime adspace on well known channels for a good price, the ads then appear on peoples videos who have monetization enabled and if its a starting ad (skip in 5 secs) 1 complete playthrough is a click, or someone clicking on the ad is a click. Google has sophisticated software to see who is clicking, and at the end of each month google will pay you if the amount is over the threshold ($150 I think).
I also heard this is only valid if you have X amount of hits on a particular video. Is that true?
To enable the allowance of ads, I think. A friend of mine told me that. He doesn't know how "real" what he said was.
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains. Cool

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