How do you store your trains?

48 Replies, 51739 Views

Wow! That's really cool! I have to put mine in boxes, but is much rather have those! That's amazing! Nice job!
From Thomas To Today's Modern Diesels, They're All A Part Of My Rail-Yard!
My Plarail collection is growing, and I was wondering how best to store trains. Right now I chuck them in the same large box as all the track parts, but I'm not all comfortable with that. Besides, I got more trains on order...

Wanted to find out how you all store your trains. Is there a method that is inexpensive, compact and convenient? Please share pics and hints if you can.

Thanks in advance Smile
Hi @"Readymade"

I have merged your new thread with this one, hope it helps.

We now have 13 of those yellow garages and its still not enough for all the trains let alone the rolling stock. Have picked up some thin, plastic storage containers with lids for stacking. What I like about the slim ones is you can place a single layer of trains in them and not all piled in a larger container where damage can occur when rummaging through them for a particular vehicle. These work great for all the loose rolling stock and they are clear to easily see whats inside each container. (this reminds me to pick up some more). We also have 2 large custom wooden shelves on the wall in the train room that is made for these trains.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
Well for one thing, Steam engines on sodor don't need storage, That also goes for us narrow gauge engines too, So narrow gauge engines don't need storage! :-)
[-] The following 1 user Likes TheNarrowGaugeEngines's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
I am surprise nobody mentioned show boxes. They are pretty good for rolling stock. I was able to put approximately 40 to 50 troublesome trucks into a shoe box.
[-] The following 1 user Likes leylandvictory2's post:
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For my storage, all of my extra track and empty boxes live under the tables. Yet to make a decent solution for the trains. I just have them scattered on tables between my room where I do repairs and mods, and the train room. I'm thinking of getting a box and cutting it up to make layers for layering the box to store trains. That's my current plan. Will tell you how it goes.
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains. Cool
[-] The following 1 user Likes ROCKINATOR's post:
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In addition to to the wall units that hold many trains but certainly not enough we have the Tomy Garage Storage Drawers. These are still not enough. Might have to pick up a few more as we have just too many trains if thats possible. These also make a great way to to put into storage. I figure I could separate into two stacks and plastic wrap the whole thing for long term storage for Supers Future World Collection. I used removable Inkjet Labels because I wanted to have the option of rearranging the drawers and wanted to avoid the messy removing of the permanent stickers. The red arrows on the labels point to the proper button for opening the correct drawer. We were so tired of always pushing the wrong buttons. All the extra rolling stock fits neatly into plastic drawer units that fit perfectly into this cabinet. The other cabinet holds all the extra gray track parts. In addition to all this storage we have severl large plastic storage containers filled with buildings, accessories and blue tracks.

[Image: 006_zpszhqxnd6k.jpg]

[Image: 002_zpseorvnjto.jpg]

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[Image: 009_zps5rhhxcqh.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • Aresedale productions, sunhuntin
Amazing Super!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Ucwepn's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
Awesome storage idea also the train garages do you know where I could get them in the US like order them or buy them
(This post was last modified: 10-06-2015, 11:07 AM by Super.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Aresedale productions's post:
  • Super
Thanks Fellas

As far as I know they aren't available anywhere in the USA however they are available to buy from Japan on Amazon and Ebay. They are very well made and because of this are heavy which drives up the price because of shipping. All of these were purchased used, on the Japan Auctions in bulk which saved me quite a bit. They are very neat and when you take the drawer out you can make it part of your layout as a four lane track garage or station. This video gives a little more detail into what this does. Even though its in Japanese you can get the idea.

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