thomas and friends mini series

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(07-04-2016, 12:32 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: more from the leaker on ebay, this time showing spongebob, and the insect troublesome truck from the upcoming 30pk.

You think 30 pack for Christmas?
that would be nice, but i honestly have no idea. if the advent is meant to be around october according to toottoot, then i would hope the 30pk is around the same time, maybe a month either side? helps spread the load a bit, money wise.
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(06-29-2016, 08:30 PM)what1120 Wrote: Has anyone seen the 2016/3 blind bags in stores yet? If so, which one(s)?

US I got wave 3 only at a couple of Walmarts, checked all my other stores and nothing but 2015 waves again. Guess it was a fluke I found them, was able to get the new tootsies though.
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Went to my Target in Michigan - they had all the MINIs on Clearance... think this may be a good sign that something is coming Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes YALLLOW's post:
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fingers crossed you get some new stock, yalllow!!

got my glow minis yesterday... those little beggers glow for hours! i must have turned all the lights off about 11, and semi woke up around 6 and they were still glowing!

a local store has 40% off all thomas today, so i grabbed a couple of collectors wheels. happier paying $23 than $40.
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looks like on target web site they are getting new stuff in US
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Good news / bad news for the members here in Australia: I got a comment on my page from someone who says they found 2016/3 in Australia (yay!), but they got blind bag number 38 and it was the Percy re-release (which was reported to be 41 in the UK and 44 in North America). So there may be yet another set of numbers in Australia for 2016/3 (boo!).
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thats a bit of a worry. might have to buy a full set of numbers to get them all. did they buy any others, or just that one bag?
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(07-10-2016, 06:00 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: thats a bit of a worry. might have to buy a full set of numbers to get them all. did they buy any others, or just that one bag?

They only mentioned that one bag, sorry. We're always way behind where I live, so I'm just awestruck someone actually found 2016/3: I went to 2 stores this week and only found 2016/1 and 2015/2!
[-] The following 2 users Like drewbenn's post:
  • Minilover61, YALLLOW
all good. i havent even seen 2016/anything in my town. though one store seems to have sold out, so might get some new ones there, hopefully. might check tomorrow after work.
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