thomas and friends mini series

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(12-27-2015, 04:01 PM)trayken Wrote: 2016 Minis/ Wave 1. They are selling these at Target in the US now.
#1. Classic Thomas
#2. Racing Course Percy
#3. Classic Paxton
#4. Graffiti Gordon
#5. Classic Stephen
#6. Classic Henry
#7. Classic Bash
#8. Classic D-10
#9. Classic Charlie
#10. Classic Scruff
#11. Classic Flynn
#12. Spooky Edward
#13. Creature Samson
#14. Electrified Luke
#15. Electrified Iron Bert
#16. Sweets Sidney
#17. Sweets Emily
#18. Sports Salty
#19. Classic Stanley

Which 4 pack do you need? There are two sets. I can get them if you let me know.

Hi, i'd like to get both of the dc 4 packs. Can you let me know the price + shipping first. Oregon 97220

Thank you.
(12-28-2015, 05:04 AM)drogio Wrote: Also if you have more than 16 you're likely to buy a second case...or more...which are likely more profitable than making cases that hold 80 trains. This is especially true seeing as how they are releasing different themed wheels...

CA always seems to be the first to get the new trains in the us. Are they showing up near the other thomas toys, or are they place with something else? What's the packaging look like?

At Target, it is near the Thomas train toys. They are in a blue cardboard box marked minis. The packaging is the same - only has 2016/1 on the top left corner.

Lots of pictures here of the packaging and 2016 wave 1 trains:
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(12-27-2015, 06:35 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: ALRIGHT SPORTS FANS... GET READY!

first listing of 2015 minis. the numbers have reverted back to 1 - 19. 11 are new releases, the rest are doubles [classics range only]

Which 11 are the newest ones?
I have all four waves so far and don't really want to get doubles. Smile

So using the collector checklist, Series 2 of the 2016 series is expected to have:
  • Spooky Thomas
  • Chocolate Percy
  • Graffiti Toby
  • James
  • Diesel
  • Ben
  • Victor
  • Sidney
  • Ferdinand
  • Troublesome Truck (YES!)
  • Graffiti Luke
  • Spooky Salty
  • Racing Flynn
  • Patchwork Hiro
  • Creature Gator
  • Electrified Spencer
  • Sports Bill
  • Sports Bash
  • Dots Thomas
  • Junior Mints Emily
  • Sugar Daddy Toby

And Series 3-4 is expecting:
  • Iron 'Arry
  • Rosie
  • Belle
  • Porter
  • Graffiti James
  • Sweets Skarloey
  • Sweets Charlie
  • Sweets Ferdinand
  • Electrified Hiro
  • Breakfast Thomas
  • Bumble Bee James
  • Graffiti Victor
  • Sports Porter
  • Fruit Chews Henry
  • Double Bubble Gordon
  • Blow Pop James
  • Plus several DC Super Friends!
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(12-28-2015, 09:49 PM)kitten173 Wrote: Which 11 are the newest ones?
I have all four waves so far and don't really want to get doubles. Smile


#2. Racing Course Percy
#4. Graffiti Gordon
#11. Classic Flynn
#12. Spooky Edward
#13. Creature Samson
#14. Electrified Luke
#15. Electrified Iron Bert
#16. Sweets Sidney
#17. Sweets Emily
#18. Sports Salty
#19. Classic Stanley
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(12-28-2015, 07:57 AM)n1cho1as Wrote: Hi, i'd like to get both of the dc 4 packs. Can you let me know the price + shipping first. Oregon 97220

Thank you.

Walmart is selling each one at 6.97 with 9% CA tax. It is cheapest to do the padded flat rate shipping envelope at 6.10. So looking around $21 - $22.
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ebay item number: 111860485480 [the link had the code for this face Confused so it wouldnt work right]

more oddballs. whats up with the blue and green one closest to the front in photo 6? the blue looks like a cape, but im not sure who the engine is. seems like theres a lamp on the front of the funnel.
another white paint splatter james, too. i would love one of those, dont know why but it appeals.
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(This post was last modified: 12-29-2015, 02:17 AM by sunhuntin.)
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I had to Google superheroes which looked like the engine and I believe it is Ferdinand as Martian Manhunter. Looks like they've used up all of the brand new engines as superheroes now. There's also a Graffiti James taken on the face of Charlie in the front row. I reckon the white Neon James is an unfinished version or a factory mistake.
(12-29-2015, 01:31 AM)trayken Wrote: Walmart is selling each one at 6.97 with 9% CA tax. It is cheapest to do the padded flat rate shipping envelope at 6.10. So looking around $21 - $22.

I've sent you a private message. Thanks
thanks, jdog. i thought as first it would be proteus, but hes only been released as a trackmaster once and that was ages ago. i think most people forget he exists. i was wondering if graffiti james was new or not. meant to check but forgot.
that white james is the second one they have had, as their last listing had one. i like the white better than the red.

has anyone seen the launchers for sale yet? seems like we've known about them for ages, but i dont recall anyone posting that they had bought one.
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(This post was last modified: 12-29-2015, 03:45 AM by sunhuntin.)

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