thomas and friends mini series

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(07-22-2015, 10:05 PM)JettsMom Wrote: I've checked 2 of our 5 local Walmarts over the last 2 days, but nothing new yet. They were both low in stock, so I guess I'll keep checking!

I went again today to try to Find my two missing minis and I have found that not only do they have blind bags in the Thomas isle but they also have them in another end cap area where they had several different types of blind bags all together. In our 2nd store I found just wave 1 in the Thomas area but found 2 whole boxes of only wave 2 on an end cap full of blind bags. If you go again I would just scan all the isles and end caps.
Hi all,

New to the forum! Many people from the UK here?

Me and my little one are collecting the Thomas minis. We have 52 so far! Had to have ones shipped from America and Australia to stay up to date!

Will post a pic later, also just bought the SDCC box set!
[-] The following 2 users Like PrivateFloyd's post:
  • frances2112, sunhuntin
welcome, floyd. i think theres a couple of members from uk here.
my website address has changed:
(07-25-2015, 07:54 AM)PrivateFloyd Wrote: Hi all,

New to the forum! Many people from the UK here?

<Waves> I'm from the UK too, my main interests are the PlaRail (i.e. non-Thomas) and PlaRail Advance - although I do have Thomas items and some of the mini's too Big Grin

Welcome, nice bunch live here Smile

Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Just wanted to inform that Mattel's San Diego Comic-Con afterparty is starting on Monday if you want what might be the best price possible since for Super Friends MINIS all those eBay sellers are almost doubling the price.
[-] The following 3 users Like jdogman's post:
  • eve_191, frances2112, sunhuntin
thanks for that, j. have two sets and two badges coming thanks to geri, but may grab a set from matty as well. wonder if they would resell ok over here? might get a couple and try them, depending on whether they sell out before i get online or not.

any idea how many to a case? it says max of 3, but that doesnt mean thats the case amount.
my website address has changed:
Here is a list I have compiled of all of the minis and their corresponding number as far as the blind bags are concerned. The checks are the minis that I have, 1 check for a single and 2 checks for any doubles. I also listed the blister 3 & 8 packs and their contents. If anyone sees any errors in my list or has any more to add please let me know. Hope this is helpful to everyone. I'm new to the group, so hello to all.
1. Classics Thomas☑️☑️
2. Spooky Percy☑️☑️
3. Metallic James☑️☑️
4. Racers Gordon☑️☑️
5. Classics Edward☑️☑️
6. Spooky Salty☑️☑️
7. Neon Toby☑️☑️
8. Classics Henry☑️☑️
9. Old School Diesel☑️☑️
10. Spooky Emily☑️☑️
11. Classics Dash☑️☑️
12. Classics Diesel 10☑️☑️
13. Chillin' Paxton☑️☑️
14. Classics Stephen☑️☑️
15. Hero Victor☑️☑️
16. Classics Scruff☑️☑️
17. Racers Bill☑️☑️
18. Classics Bert☑️☑️
19. Hero Thomas
20. Classics Percy☑️
21. Dino James☑️
22. Metallic Gordon☑️
23. Metallic Edward
24. Classics Salty
25. Old School Spencer
26. Robot Toby
27. Classics Diesel
28. Neon Bash☑️
29. Hero Hiro
30. Classics Millie
31. Robot Charlie☑️
32. Classics Sidney
33. Dino Ben
34. Classics Skarloey
35. Old School Luke
36. Dino Gator
37. Classics Samson
38. Racers Thomas☑️
39. Dino Percy☑️
40. Classics James
41. Chillin' Gordon
42. Robot Edward☑️
43. Old School Salty
44. Classics Spencer☑️
45. Robot Henry☑️
46. Hero Diesel
47. Classics Emily
48. Racers Dash
49. Classics Paxton
50. Dino Stephen
51. Classics Victor
52. Old School Scruff☑️
53. Classics Bill
54. Neon Bert☑️
55. Classics Luke
56. Spooky Porter
57. Superman Thomas
58. Joker Diesel 10
59. Harley Quinn Millie
60. Cyborg Spencer
Golden Thomas & collector's wheel☑️☑️
Classics Gordon☑️
Classics Toby☑️
Classics Gator☑️
Chillin' Sidney☑️
Neon James☑️
Classics Hiro☑️
Classics Spencer☑️
Classics Porter☑️
San Diego ComicCon DC Super Hero Pack w/Exclusive Black Knoght Diesel☑️

3 Pack A: CHL61☑️
C-Thomas, Spooky Emily, Super Victor
3 Pack B: CHL62☑️
Neon Bash, Robot Charlie, C-Percy
3 Pack C: CHL63☑️
Dino James, C-Dash, Mono Scruff
3 Pack D: CHL64☑️
Race Gordon, C-Diesel10, Chill Sidney
3 Pack E: CHL65
Chill Edward, Race Bill, C-Paxton
3 Pack F: CHL66
C-Salty, Super Hiro, Dino Ben
3 Pack G: CHL67
C-Bert, Mono Spencer, Dino Stephen
3 Pack H: CHL68
C-Millie, Neon Toby, Chill Skarloey
3 Pack I: CHL69
Neon Henry, C-Victor, Mono Luke
3 Pack J: CHL70
Super Diesel, C-Charlie, Dino Gator
8 Pack 1: CHL91☑️
Robot Edward, Metallic Gordon, C-Hiro
Neon James, Dino Percy, Mono Diesel,
C-Spencer, C-Porter
8 Pack 2: CHL90☑️
Race Thomas. Robot Henry, C-Gordon,
Metallic James, C-Toby, Neon Bert,
Spooky Salty, C-Gator
8 Pack 3: CHL92
Metallic Edward, C-Henry, C-James,
Robot Toby, Mono Salty, Chill Paxton,
C-Luke, C-Stephen
8 Pack 4: CHL93
C-Edward, Chill Gordon, Metallic Percy,
C-Diesel, C-Skarloey, Race Spencer,
Robot Millie, C-Samson

Collector's Playwheel: CHL94☑️☑️
w/ Gold Metallic Thomas
Twist-N-Turn Playset
w/ Exclusive Percy
[-] The following 1 user Likes cou10gar's post:
  • eve_191
Hello from the UK!!
We are collecting these great mini trains for my 2.5yr old son who is obsessed with them. We are enjoying finding all the different trains. Could you perhaps clarify a couple of things?
Could I get the whole set by just buying blind bags or do we have to get the 3/8 packs?
Also on the list above (which is so helpful, Thanks) what are the 10 trains at the bottom of the blind bag list before the 3/8 packs list - Including Classic Gorden / Classic Spencer. How do I get those??
Thank You
(07-26-2015, 04:12 PM)BexMcD Wrote: Hello from the UK!!
We are collecting these great mini trains for my 2.5yr old son who is obsessed with them. We are enjoying finding all the different trains. Could you perhaps clarify a couple of things?
Could I get the whole set by just buying blind bags or do we have to get the 3/8 packs?
Also on the list above (which is so helpful, Thanks) what are the 10 trains at the bottom of the blind bag list before the 3/8 packs list - Including Classic Gorden / Classic Spencer. How do I get those??
Thank You

You can get the whole set just by buying the blind bags. Although some are in the 3&8 packs that haven't been released in the blind bags but they are coming.
The 10 at the bottom are minis that I have but I do not have a number for the blind bags yet. The blind bags have only been released through #27 in the U.S., so the only way to get some of the higher numbers right now is to buy the 3 or 8 packs. They will all be available in the blind bags eventually I assume. The Golden Thomas can only be obtained by buying the vollector's Playwheel.
(07-26-2015, 04:12 PM)BexMcD Wrote: Hello from the UK!!
We are collecting these great mini trains for my 2.5yr old son who is obsessed with them. We are enjoying finding all the different trains. Could you perhaps clarify a couple of things?
Could I get the whole set by just buying blind bags or do we have to get the 3/8 packs?
Also on the list above (which is so helpful, Thanks) what are the 10 trains at the bottom of the blind bag list before the 3/8 packs list - Including Classic Gorden / Classic Spencer. How do I get those??
Thank You

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