thomas and friends mini series

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Welcome Debbie_lee88! I agree the list in this thread is great and was absolutely essential in my collecting of the second wave blind bags so I could just get the ones I wanted Smile I love the hunt as well!
welcome, debbie! glad to know these little lumps of plastic have helped renew your love of collecting. i hear you on reducing double ups. im quite lucky in that i have a young friend who i can pass any doubles along to.
when i bought wave 2, the site i bought from had them all listed by name, so i bought around the blister packs i had got first. i will do the same with wave 3, assuming ive got the 3 new 3packs. there are some i like to get 2 or 3 of, like the metallics.
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(06-13-2015, 06:38 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: i found this mentioned on the thomas minis wiki: Twist-n-Turn Stunt Set. google brings no results. by s43, are you thinking of the san diego comic con minis/dc engines, as seen at the bottom of this page:

Ahh yes, that must be it! I thought it said Twisting Plank (or something like that) Stunt Set.

The S43 is just what it looks like to my eyes on the picture that shows the new Warriors series.
your eyes must be better than mine, lol. all i can see is mini-shaped blurs. Big Grin
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Sunhuntin - are wave 2 blister packs out in your neck of the woods? I think I read somewhere that they would be coming out in the fall in US/Canada.

I am collecting for my son, so will be opening all of them for him to play with. I may buy some duplicates of his favourites (he's gone through the picture checklist that comes with the blind bag and is eyeing heroes thomas, or what he calls "thomas glasses" :p), esp if he misplaces them. These guys are so small I've already had to rummage through the house when he lost one!!
debbie, we dont get the blisters down here in new zealand. the ones ive bought, i got from ebay.

the heroes range is really good looking. they are all nicely detailed, but for some reason i like the robos best
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Sunhuntin - I kinda wish we didn't have the blister packs. That way I can buy all the blind bags in one go.
I much prefer the "classic" look of the classic and metallic trains, though I agree that the detailing on these toys is quite remarkable considering how small they are.
(06-13-2015, 07:59 PM)sunhuntin Wrote: your eyes must be better than mine, lol. all i can see is mini-shaped blurs. Big Grin

I zoomed in a bit... it might say something completely different though!
I actually had no idea of how popular these would become but by the looks of the length of this thread "VERY" popular. I am curious as to the safety of these very small trains and infants. Wouldn't there be a danger of small parts coming loose?
oliver's dad... these links came up on facebook. looking forward to the christmas ones. will likely try and get several sets of those. the warrior ones dont seem to fit the family friendly view of thomas, but time will tell.

advent engines:

warrior engines:

super, i havent heard of any issues with these coming apart. they seem very well made, and i recall one reviewer doing his best to pull a wheel off and failing. other than that, you need a screwdriver to remove the axles
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