Got my box from Japan

2 Replies, 4262 Views

        I finally received my Yahoo Auction purchases from Japan. Jesus, it a lot of stuff. Wife couldn't even carry it into the house. Got home this afternoon and ripped everything open. Three brand new trains, Dome Station, a few used trains. The significant other also bought a Tomy Tec bus. Its self driving and pulls over into bus zones.

I also got a ton of risers and track. Might post what is left over once I go through it all. Here are some pics and a video of the bus (not mine).

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[-] The following 4 users Like KumaChan's post:
  • Miksolo, MuddyPoppins, Super, Ucwepn
Good for you. Tomy tec buses are guided by magnetic wire underneath the road bed. Too bad they don't use AAA batteries. guys are in for a lot of fun with all that stuff. That bus set is really neat and the layouts in the video are awesome.
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  • Miksolo

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