Tomica World Layout Ideas

4 Replies, 7710 Views

Here are some Tomica World Layout Ideas, except the Giant Set Expansion Layout which was not there anymore.

Adventure Set Expansion Layout:
[Image: AdventureSetExpansion_zps4141a68a.png]

At the Station Set Expansion Layout:
[Image: AtTheStationSetExpansion_zps9e3929eb.png]

Big Set Expansion Layout:
[Image: BigSetExpansion_zps963b544c.png]

Starter Set Expansion Layout:
[Image: StarterSetExpansion_zpsf5501908.png]

Talk 'n Action Set Expansion Layout:
[Image: TalknActionExpansion_zps445530ab.png]
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  • Gerisplarail1, HankAmericanEngine, sunhuntin, Super
Nice to see this images get found after being lost in history.

I'm assuming you got them by using the Wayback Machine on
Very nice resource to have here Dunbarthediesel, thanks for posting these. Did you create them yourself using some CAD software?
(01-15-2015, 02:59 PM)Super Wrote: Very nice resource to have here Dunbarthediesel, thanks for posting these. Did you create them yourself using some CAD software?

No I didn't. I found these on the Tomica Website.
Excellent. hanks for posting them.

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