Tomica World Thomas and the Magic Railroad

16 Replies, 24101 Views

I look at the link posted, thx. but there are no pictures? I know I have diesel 10. not sure about lady. how about oliver? I know he comes in several different packages. does it matter which brand is more desirable?
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ah. ok got the pictures. not sure what I did wrong before. so oliver was first released in 1998? does anyone have a picture of this boxed oliver?

in addition, were there any differences in details of oliver in regards to pla rail, tomy, tomica world, & motor road & rail?
(This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 12:41 PM by trevor379.)
I Googled it directly to the image of the 1998 Plarail Oliver box for you. Hadn't looked for it on the wikia yet.

There are no differences between any of the Olivers. They are all pretty much the same thing, just different packaging to show what range they came from. The only minor difference I can think of is that, like every other item, versions before 2000 will have the older rounded Tomy logo underneath the engine which you often see coloured red on boxes, and after 2000 versions have the updated logo underneath that's still used today. When you were listing the ranges out, I take it when you said Tomy, you weren't refering to Tomy Trains, the dark blue track system, considering Oliver wasn't made in it? Cause Tomy's just the name of the company, not a range.
(This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 12:57 PM by jdogman.)
ah ok. got it. starting to follow you here. logic dictates the older the model the "rarer" it is. however, logic also dictates the less produced the "rarer" it is. was there an oliver out of the list you provided that had a "more limited" amount produced?
I'm not too sure myself. If you were looking for an Oliver with the box sealed or used, the original 1999 Tomica World version would be hard to find since it was in the yellow box for about a year and a half for Europe only. But then, I don't think any Oliver from any range loose has been more limited than another.
thank you very much. I cannot tell you all how helpful you've all been. I've been on my own regarding train collecting. where do you find this information?!
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We just kind of know these things from our memories. Tongue Although I have been trying to write down most of these things on the Thomas TrackMaster wikia, the Plarail article on Wikipedia (, and the Plarail article on the Japanese Wikipedia ( make for some good reading. For some reason, the Japanese for Plarail also gets translated as Tomy.

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