tomix layout... work in progress

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went to the club today and made a start on salvaging the layout which will become the layout for tomix thomas and friends.

it was built about 2 years ago by a former member, who designed it for two of the junior members. however, they "werent doing it right", so he took over. his plan was to have a slot car track around it somehow. the guy got in a pip with several other members and quit about 18 months ago. the layout has been shoved underneath another ever since.

there were 2 styrofoam blocks plastered over, which took some encouragement to come off. the plaster was flaking off without any help, and a chisel was needed for the rest.
[Image: beginnings2.jpg]

once the styrofoam and plaster were removed and vaccumed up, i took to it with a sanding block to furthur remove any imperfections. i will check the tracks, relay if needed [tempted to anyway, but cant afford to] then plan the scenery.
[Image: beginnings3.jpg]

it is 1200x600mm. looking forward to see it evolve, but i need measurements of the tomix thomas buildings before i can move much furthur. i will do a base coat of paint in either white or green to make it look better.

i would like to put in some sidings to store excess rolling stock and engines, but cant see it working with the current layout.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
  • Super
If they make a Y switch for n gauge track, You could put it right after one of the switches linking to some and have your scenery built around the track, not the track built around the scenery.
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains. Cool
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2014, 10:43 PM by ROCKINATOR.)
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  • sunhuntin
im going to scratch through the boxes of spare track and see if theres a 3 way point. if so, the middle loop will be removed but both points retained.
the 3 way will attach to the forward one with a 3-bay engine shed to house the other 3 thomas engines in this size. the shed will face forward so kids can see in.
the rear point will be a basic length of track for excess rolling stock.
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Good luck searching Smile
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains. Cool
That is awesome Sunhuntin. Looks to be fun especially since the "N" gauge is small, compact and easy to work with on a small table. Please keep us updated on your progress. The layout against the back wall looks very interesting too. Is that just a cityscape with no trains?
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  • sunhuntin
thanks, super. that back layout is for trams, so the track is level with the road and not visible at a distance. more photos here

the search through the boxes found no 3 way points of any kind, but i have been given measurements of tomix henry and his coaches, so can factor that into the plans. i will likely lay temporary track the right length and can then build around it somewhat. next year i hope to replace the whole lot with tomix or kato, as the existing stuff is covered with paint and plaster.

anyway, i lifted part of the track on thursday, as rob suggested pushing the points back to allow for longer sidings. the points will go back, but not the central loop. instead, eventually, two 3 way points will come off each.
henry's coaches are 17cm long each, and theres 3, hence the rear rolling stock siding will now be 3 lines. hopefully, one line for henry, one for percys mail coach [2-3 i think] and one for troublesome trucks [4 different ones].

[Image: undercoat1.jpg]

[Image: undercoat2.jpg]
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(This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 02:33 AM by sunhuntin.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
  • Super
Progress looks great! Smile
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains. Cool
I see you have been real busy. Nice start to your project. Thanks for the link to the photos of that layout. Looks more like a cityscape and since the tracks looks to be in the road are there streetcars running on them?
thanks, rock. next step is to hit the hardware store and get some of those paint cards with different shades and decide what green i want. then, will buy test pots. main thing is the undercoat got rid of that ugly black section. looks much better now.

super, it runs trams. its nice a little layout, but not one i have much to do with.
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(This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 03:08 AM by sunhuntin.)
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went to the hardware store and picked out a green and blue to do the base color. the blue will wait until i get the tomix water wheel, as this has a water painted on it and i need to know where to place it and try to match the shade.

the green is called "limerick". this is the first coat, will give it another couple before relaying the track.

[Image: greenbean.jpg]
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