Did I Miss Something???

2 Replies, 169 Views

Did I miss something somewhere or just don't remember? I don't understand Japanese but have we ever discussed these tracks at the 18:00 minute mark of this video before? I don't see a Tomy Logo so I am assuming a 3rd party released them. Except for the openings between the RR Ties they look identical. The only difference is the traction surface where the tires touch the tracks which hearkens back to a vintage surface years ago. Anyone have ideas or can translate?


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  • MrKirby48
Translating the text given in the video transcript between 19:58 and 20:02, he says 'Toys R Us', 'Fast Lane', 'Locomotive Basic Set'. But the only things I can find matching that description do not have rails like this, so I'm still mystified.
[-] The following 2 users Like chrisjo's post:
  • MrKirby48, Super
Thanks for trying Dr Chris 👍
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