So this layout took me over two years to create. Currently I’m about to add the 4th layer but I’m not sure how I’m doing it yet. The way I have my set is each of the lines inner and risers have the ability to go both ways. This video I made is a good way to get an idea of the layout. Sorry for the mess I promise I take care of my trains.
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2024, 03:25 PM by Trainsplarailvhs.)
Nice Layout T-Plar. Did it take you long to accumulate all those yellow risers? Those beefy tables look like they may have been used for something else originally. Is that bookcase full of Thomas VHS tapes?
Yes I do have a bookshelf of Thomas tapes ranging from Uk, Japanese, German and Norwegian. The risers took time to accumulate and were expensive. I got a box of 130 risers just waiting to be put onto the trainset. The tables came from an adult arcade place. My dad showed me the tables and I saw the ones I have and choose those. They are pretty big.
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2024, 04:07 PM by Trainsplarailvhs.)
Thank you! I finally had the energy and movement in my left arm after having something removed and I was sick Christmas. The table was a retail it came with a 100 piece set I got from marketplace back in 2019. I need to reorganize my trains. It’s got a custom layout on it.