Plarail Round-Trip EF66 automatic shunting yard...pretty neat 👍
Plarail Round-Trip EF66 automatic shunting yard (video)
8 Replies, 1408 Views
![]() • DalaGStanator, Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, DuckGWR, Mister No
Impressed with that, excellent use of the various switching elements. I wonder how long it took to evolve that setup?
Haven't heard from DuckGWR in a while. I'd completely forgotten these forward/reverse locos and track pieces were a thing. This other channel I found named #MYPLARAIL (myplarail313) made three videos showing this feature being used for un/loading with tipping hoppers and coming back without using an oval, turntable or loop; essentially what a Big Loader set does. They even showed how to make a custom direction trigger for others who have these locos. I feel this is a more interesting use that actually warrants abrupt direction changes. You once showed a video of something similar here with servos controlling stop/gos and a three way turnout to sort cars into each track, though it wasn't "purist" unlike this project. Thanks for sharing.
(10-20-2023, 01:08 PM)DalaGStanator Wrote: They even showed how to make a custom direction trigger for others who have the loco. Not sure why you'd bother, when Tomy Train reversing switches are still so easily obtainable. Maybe one of the few things that's less easy to get hold of in Japan? ![]()
Thanks. I incorrectly assumed it was a short lived one off design that didn't work with the TomyTrain chassis and/or forward/reverse track, even though all the pieces in the yard video are clearly dark blue. Since #MYPLARAIL also showed the loco's mechanism, they likely showed how to make the track piece for reverse engineering purposes.
This is just beautiful! I'd love to see a whole layout done like this, but maybe on a loop, either way I need to get me some of those special points
The magic of the GWR
Hey, that's my video! I bought a second round-trip EF66 recently as well as some old 1960s Y turnouts that automatically send a train off to the left and I have always wanted to use the "automatic" R-15 crossover switch to make a shunting yard. I used all TomyTrains reversers, which is indeed why they are dark blue, but interestingly while the original plarail switched reverser was actually a full length light blue track like a stop rail the original Plarail static reversers (which are also a full length straight rail in TomyTrains) were in dark blue plastic.
Here is the description from that video, which explains some of the thought process that went into the layout: Quote:I really like the idea of automatic shunting using the reciprocating "Round-Trip" Plarail engines with reversing gearboxes from the 70s and 80s (and early 90s) to automatically shunt in a yard using reversers and switches with automatic pathing. I used both an old style of "Y" rail that always sends trains to the left as well as the double track automatic crossover switch, which crosses trains over to the opposite line when entered from one direction but leaves them heading straight in the other, making it perfect for a train you can make reverse. These are the Y rails used in the video - these were used on the old two-line transfer stations and are not quite the width of normal double rail, although there is an old piece that adapts between the two widths. The distance between two equivalent points on the two spurs is around 90mm which make them perfect for using with the odd old R-04 large curve rail you may have run into before. ![]() You could just as easily use the more modern style used by the modern automatic departure transfer station. I have some of that style as well, but I didn't have them on hand when I built that layout. The R-15 automatic crossover is a lot easier to find and also very fun in a yard like this. I first built a smaller proof-of-concept that just used the R-15 before working on the bigger one. ![]() I will definitely build more automated yards like this in the future - as mentioned in the description I now have a pair of working 90s remote control points that I would like to try out. Getting both of my Round-Trip EF66s running in a yard at the same time would also be very cool, but would probably take some timing. ![]() I worked on the layout of this yard for maybe two hours - I already had a pretty solid idea of how I wanted to use the Y rails and automatic crossovers, but getting them into a configuration that actually made for interesting yard work that the engine could actually carry out was hard. The second part of the layout is not nearly as interesting as the first because the engine takes so long to traverse the length of the yard and the R-10 u-turn over and over in its way to reset the double/single track point so it switches out of the loop on its way back. It took almost as long to get the engine to actually run the entire loop correctly, and I had to keep swapping the direction of cars and the engine until nothing derailed or went down the wrong track.
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
Oh Geesh, it is your video....I didn't even think to see who the YouTuber was. Nice work Duck 😃
I have that E-01 Switch Controller but never could score the Rail Point itself so its useless and I can't seem to find a way to unload it.
The switch controller seems to be more common than the switches - I actually have two, one loose and one in the box. They never produced any "C" or "D" switches or accessories so every controller can only ever be half-useful at best.
There is a similar later 90s remote switch with a green base structure used in a set with a remote control 300 series Shinkansen but these are seemingly mostly incompatible - I have one of the later "B" switches but no remote and it seems the protocols are not the same.
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
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