I bought a another fake

8 Replies, 1661 Views

After buying a fake Hank and seeing how good it was I wanted to buy a Gordon because he looked so good so I bought him and few days later he's here.

[Image: IMG-0088.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0089.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0090.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0091.jpg]

[Image: IMG-0092.jpg]
[-] The following 3 users Like NotUVan3oser's post:
  • DalaGStanator, generic_truck_69420, Super
Hi, NotUVan3oser. Welcome to BPT, and congrats on your purchases.

Funny thing is, that same official (Talking) Gordon is the only version of him I own. Was it also your only one until you bought the knock off? If possible, you might want to try modding him to have the working cylinders, long coupling rods and a shorter front axle to match his counterparts.
[-] The following 2 users Like DalaGStanator's post:
  • NotUVan3oser, Super
Only working one, I do have a Tomy one but needs rewiring and new running board. As for this Gordon I don't plan much just adding missing paint and putting square buffers on his tender since is just a reused Edward's one. I would like to buy another one and make it into old style Henry at one point.
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2023, 06:48 PM by NotUVan3oser. Edit Reason: missing stuff )
[-] The following 2 users Like NotUVan3oser's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
Welcome to BPT's NotUVan 👍
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  • NotUVan3oser
[Image: IMG-E0266.jpg]

Bought two more fakes and did a review of them


I like them but of course paint job on Dodge is little sloppy.
[-] The following 4 users Like NotUVan3oser's post:
  • Destination Realization, generic_truck_69420, Splodge, Super
nice review!
Hi! you can call me D-Real, I’ve Been A collector since 2011, and Remember: Anything’s Possible when you have Dedication!! Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like Destination Realization's post:
  • NotUVan3oser, Super
Excellent video Not-U 👍
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • Destination Realization, NotUVan3oser
ok Knock-Offs have their (obviously) bads, and goods
Most if not all the painted face engines get their Face molded
Gordon and Hank get a GOOD update
Customs like BB James
Hi! you can call me D-Real, I’ve Been A collector since 2011, and Remember: Anything’s Possible when you have Dedication!! Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like Destination Realization's post:
  • NotUVan3oser, Super
Thank you guys Smile
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  • Destination Realization, Super

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