Enjoy Thomas and Fuji Q Highland

1 Replies, 575 Views

For those of you who want to see Mt. Fuji but also have children who want to enjoy Thomas related things can visit Thomas Land at Fuji Q Park.  There are rides for kids, there are stores, there is a movie theater...

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And if you are fans of "Shingeki no Kyojin" (Attack on Titan) or Bungo Stray Dogs, they also have attraction.  Especially Tokusatsu.  Unfortunately, the Evangelion attraction is no longer there.

But you can enjoy the amusement park as it's not so expensive like Disney Sea or Disneyland.

Host of the J! Tetsudo Mokei (鉄道模型) Podcast
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  • generic_truck_69420, Super
I absolutely love all of those buildings and is that a Knapford Station I see down the street?

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