Do You Remember These YouTubers???

22 Replies, 7321 Views

Who can remember this oldie...Only a few videos but his timing and music are top shelf... (Link)  Moliuan

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TomTomica was youtuber i loved watching his video when i was younger. I watched his video growing up and got me into collecting trains and more tracks and stuff etc. TooMuchThomas was another one. TomTomica deleted his video years ago for some reason but there few videos of others posted copied of it which is great as i can look back.
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Do you remember this YouTuber who has the most unbelievable outdoor Layout that spans the length of his driveway. Just look at it, the attention to details is fabulous. (Link) masami nose

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Who could forget this YouTuber who 8 years ago moved on from the regular Plarail and into the Plarail Advance. He showed me several trains I wasn't aware of back then. I got to know Mike well and he even graciously let me buy some things from his collection when he moved on from the regular Plarail line. (Link) plarailmike

[Image: Untitlqweed.jpg]

And then there is this former BPT's Staff Member whose videos were great and had beautiful commentary. As with a lot of our enthusiasts in this hobby he moved on to HO and hasn't had a Plarail video in about 4 years. (Link) HankAmericanEngine

[Image: Untitfhled.jpg]

Who can forget this YouTubers Giant Layouts in a vacant school room that was graciously made available to him. Sadly that school building was sold a few years ago and that put an end to the magnificent layout videos. (Link) samueljaros

[Image: uy.jpg]

Who can forget this BPT Member who was one of the big influencers for me into the world of Plarail collecting. Gerisplarail1 hasn't made a train video in 4 years in which he moved on to Lego which he still is into today. (Link) buttchop2021  You have to scroll down his video list to the beginning as the Plarail/Tomy videos start there.

Here is a quote from his channel:

Quote:"This Channel was dedicated to videos I made pertaining to the hobby of collecting, building and playing with Tomy Trains! My old videos are of Layouts I buillt or of me opening new trains, new scene and track pieces. Either way it is just for fun and to share the joy of this hobby with others."

[Image: Untpooitled.jpg]
Honorable Mention goes out to past Member Action Chugger. Who could forget his massive collection, his huge unboxings of shipments from Japan, His love for his son and so many entertaining videos we all enjoyed. He and his son (Team Evan Almighty) went off into other hobbies and his YouTube channels name has changed.  I miss Action Chugger.
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(05-29-2023, 11:05 AM)Super Wrote: Honorable Mention goes out to past Member Action Chugger. Who could forget his massive collection, his huge unboxings of shipments from Japan, His love for his son and so many entertaining videos we all enjoyed. He and his son (Team Evan Almighty) went off into other hobbies and his YouTube channels name has changed.  I miss Action Chugger.

Hi Super! and the crew! How have you all been??!!
I just so happened to get an email update about this site name change a few minutes ago and decided to log in and found this post! LOL
Almost 4 year update since my last post here, I am cancer free, but struggling with the aftermath of the chemotherapy's side effect: Neuropathy.
It is painfully numbing both of my hands and feet, hard to hold or walk for too long. Hard years but my boy Evan keeps my chin up!
Gotta keep going for him!  Anyways, yes we still have our collection, but in plastic tubs Undecided     I will take picture and share some day, and maybe and try setup some of them again if I can.

Miss you all! Angel Tongue
Evan Almighty and His Train Collection
[Image: banner12.jpg]
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Wow Action Chugger, that's good to hear that you are cancer free, not fun to hear about the side effects Sad (Hope it will get better with time)

I am very happy to see you made it to the new domain via my email campaign that I set up!

Awesome to hear that you still have your massive collection I look forward to seeing some pictures some day soon.

Kind regards,

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