Custom Made Sets?

2 Replies, 1411 Views

Recently, I had the idea of making my own custom Tomy destinations, specifically for Thomas and Friends layouts. Not just like taking a preexisting piece and repainting it, I mean actually building my own working parts from the ground up. I have to ask a few things though:

1) Has anything like this ever been attempted before? If so, are there any good pictures/videos of how they did it?

2) Are there any pictures/videos taking apart various sets to see how they work?

3) Are there any good CADs, technical drawings, or just measurement tables that would ensure my projects were made to scale?
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(11-10-2022, 02:54 AM)namegoeshere Wrote: Has anything like this ever been attempted before? If so, are there any good pictures/videos of how they did it?

If I find one, i'll hook ya up with it laddie.

A custom made TOMY set would sound good to me and a few lads!

Also welcome to BPT, NameGoesHere!
Glad to have you aboard Namegoeshere 😃

I seem to recall seeing quite a few scratch built buildings here and on the YouTube. Mostly in the form of stations or sheds. I am recalling some posted recently but this old mind can't remember who or where?

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