Too much track!

26 Replies, 10625 Views

I am a bit overwhelmed with my recent ebay purchase. Could be nearly 15 boxes of stuff. More than pictured. I couldnt even fit it all in my car at once. I intend to try some large scale outdoor layouts but will probably need to re-home some as I am running out of space.

[Image: Screenshot-20220704-141104-e-Bay.jpg]

For example there is a whole box of annie and clarabel in well played condition. Could be good for custom carriages or spare couplings but I am determined not to throw anything in the bin!
[-] The following 3 users Like Rich.gamble's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, Super
[Image: wow-smiley-emoticon.gif]

Wow, looks like you may have hit the jackpot Rich. It also looks like you scored this huge Lot at a Yard Sale. Add this to the large buy you got a couple months ago and this will make a great garden Layout. Hope you have a big yard 😎😃👍
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Rich.gamble
Thanks Super. My yard is a bit unusual - sloped with big rocks and grass between so it will make for an interesting layout. I set out all the trucks from the lot last night into groups and did a rough clean. The plastic really shines when you use a wet cloth - the quality and detail is beautiful to me. The tomy ones are much nicer that the few hit/mattel i got (in top right).

[Image: 20220705-215230.jpg]
[-] The following 4 users Like Rich.gamble's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, mflyingbye, Super
I can just imagine a long train of those. Even just for the trucks this looks like a great lot, I can't wait to see the rest
The magic of the GWR
[-] The following 3 users Like Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Rich.gamble, Super
I went and picked up the rest of the lot last night - six more crates and a few extras the seller found since last time. We washed all the tunnels today including two roller coaster mountains (functionally complete, some accessories missing) which were filthy but came up great. We nearly lost the sun before the pic:

[Image: 20220709-145625.jpg]

I brought the mountains inside and made a simple loop to use one but expanded it a little when the kids went to bed:

[Image: 20220709-201014.jpg]
[-] The following 4 users Like Rich.gamble's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, stainedgaming, Super
Wow! That's amazing! I 'd love to see a long line of those tunnels.It would look insane
The magic of the GWR
[-] The following 2 users Like Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Super
Holy Smokes...that seller must have been an avid collector just like us all here at BPT's 😃
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420
I'm not sure if it's just me but those tunnels don't seam to easy to find, however I haven't really been looking.
The magic of the GWR
[-] The following 2 users Like Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Super
One part of the lot which made me curious were these capsule plarail tracks which I hadn't seen before. I did find a few videos about the engines on youtube but not many posts about the range on here. There is a mix of straight and curve which i am yet to sort - around half a kilo of track excluding the containers and some damaged pieces.

[Image: 20220711-224044.jpg]

The capsule engines cost much as a TS plarail on ebay for me with shipping so I dont think I will use it unless I later can get a friend visiting japan that finds one. The tracks come extra in the capsules so I imagine anyone with enough engines has a lot of track too.. Does anyone here collect capsule plarail or know more?
[-] The following 2 users Like Rich.gamble's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Super
Although I have seen tons of Capsules in the Auctions and on YouTube I have never had any in hand. I am guessing that they would be easy to sell on Ebay though.
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