stained's purchases

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I'm not really sure what to say, sometimes it just doesn't go. If he's not going I give it a little push and he's away. That's all I can say really
dreaming of piles of track 
(08-03-2022, 05:21 PM)Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp Wrote: Maybe a connection issue, however I 'm not sure if that's possible. Try opening him up. There might be something obviously wrong that you can't see from the outside

The only time I 've encountered a loco that doesn't always work, is when I got my plarail Bill. When his wheels wold get jammed he 's wheels wouldn't turn even if you unstuck him. After opening him up, I realized that the back half of the gear on the wheel was split, not the part with the gear the other part. I was able to swap the back wheels with a MMR Ben.I still use the Ben and sometimes I have to reposition the wheels to get him working.

I've taken him apart and dusted the thing down a few times now, he very rarely fails now
dreaming of piles of track 
[-] The following 1 user Likes stainedgaming's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp
When you say "sometimes it just doesn't go"...can you hear the motor running but its not moving? Does fiddling with the switch make it go or stop?
I don't think it wold be the fault of the rechargeable batteries as I use them on most of my engines and they work fine.

I think some more pictures could be useful in identifying the issue.Have you checked that the gears are all fine pr the wires aren't lose, as these could be the cause of some issues

Edit: I had a thought that the swich could not be making proper contact, and that could be the cause of the issue
The magic of the GWR
You must be thinking: "Already? Why have you bought something already?"
Well, I didn't pay for it, my sister did.
She wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday in October, so I sent her this:

How grand Gordon will look with 3 express coaches (I already have one)

Also, does anybody know why the area that is usually white a little yellow? Could possibly be yellowing from the sun but I'm not 100%
dreaming of piles of track 
One thing is for sure you can NEVER have to many express coaches. 3 looks great, At this point I own 5 of them one is damaged, having cracks and no back buffers, however I'm planning to change that

I'm sure Gordon will look great. Hopefully he doesn't get stuck on the hill
The magic of the GWR
Gordon doesn't get stuck anymore, 5p coin and an AA battery did the trick

There's a teeny bit of slip but it's not very noticeable.
dreaming of piles of track 
[-] The following 1 user Likes stainedgaming's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp
Have you solved the problem for the curved ramps or on the regular 4 high ramps? Either way it's great to know he's finally nit stopping
The magic of the GWR
I haven't checked the curved ramps, also what are 4 high ramps? to see

Sadly not Donald9, it's even worse than last time
Apologies for the bad quality, guess my phone was just really dying
dreaming of piles of track 
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2022, 03:44 PM by Super.)
Don't know if it has been talked about but did you replace the traction rubbers to try to correct it slipping?

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