Bad axel gear

10 Replies, 5317 Views

I saw Supers repair for the axel gear; I can't seem to get the wheel off. I'm trying to fix Ferdinand. I bought a tub of trains years back and am just now getting some of them repaired. I finally got Catlin a new engine and she speeds down the track! I've tested Ferdinands engine and it seems to work, slow but works. Any hints or suggestions would be welcome!
[Image: 20211208-131020-1.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like vikjohn's post:
  • DalaGStanator, generic_truck_69420
Hello again, Vikjohn.

Have you tried using a set of pliers behind one of the wheels to pry it off? If that works, you should be able to use a knife to get rid of the glue or cut the gear further to remove it. Our "real life Steamworks workman" (as I call him) just happened to show how to do it on Ferdinand:

Hope this helps.
[-] The following 3 users Like DalaGStanator's post:
  • chrisjo, generic_truck_69420, vikjohn
Hi Vikjohn, good to see you back

I have tried many methods for removing wheels because I am the type to swap out lots of them just to change the colors and of course replace split gears.

The problem with using tools such as pliers or prying is that a lot of the plastic on these wheels could be old and somewhat brittle. What then happens by using brute force is that the plastic breaks around the axle rendering the wheel useless. Believe me, when I say that it has happened to me many times and when that happens, for some reason, my mouth opens and some very choice words spew out. Early in my wheel replacing journey I had luck with using both hands, placing the middle and index fingers behind each wheel and with steady and strong pressure pulling with your muscles until one comes off. Some are much harder than others to get off...but....

Let me offer this trick that I use to this day. I made a simple jig and drift pin from spare junk I keep around in my work room. All I used is an old door latch plate with a simple slot cut into it and if you can find a heavy gauge wire coat hanger you are good to go. Placing the wheel and axle thought the slot in the Jig, I use a Tack Hammer to tap our the axle...easy as pie. Just make sure you are tapping out the axle and don't let the pin drift out on the plastic. Take a Look.

If you have a loose axle you could use that as your drive pin.
The plate nor the wheels are tightened on the vise. The plate is merely resting on the metal jaws.

[Image: IMG-1126.jpg]

[Image: IMG-1127.jpg]

[Image: IMG-1128.jpg]

[Image: IMG-1130.jpg]

If I remember correctly...Ferdinand uses the Thomas Type engine right? Anyway, I sometimes power jump slow of stuck motors with a 9 volts to jerk it back to life. Try jumping the motor with a 9 volt battery but just don't let it run a long time on the 9 volt. Worth a try just to see what happens.
[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
  • chrisjo, DalaGStanator, vikjohn
I know it has been a long time; I put all the pieces in a box and walked away. My grandson has found that box and insisted we get Ferdinand running. I got the wheel apart but don't have a replacement gear for the axle ... can someone point me in the right direction? I have a bunch of replacement small gears but the opening is too small so need to figure out what I need. Thanks .
[-] The following 2 users Like vikjohn's post:
  • Super, Therealblack64YT
if you have an engine that doesnt work and the gear is in a good shape then take it. take a gear that is just the right size and then cut it. not much I van think of
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
Make the opening slightly bigger with a needle-file if necessary, but try to force it on first, it needs to be tight!
Vik, what country are you in?
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2022, 08:27 AM by Super.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes vikjohn's post:
  • Super
I am assuming that Ferdinand's gear has 12 teeth right? We have to get him going for your Grandson. Send me a private message with your address.
I take it that Vik must have fixed Ferdinand without our help as I never heard from them. How did you correct his problem Vik?

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