Got some new stuff

207 Replies, 75089 Views

@youngjorge Maybe you should make your own thread about your purchases, you seem to be buying a lot (of good things)!
TrackMaster Expert (kinda)
[-] The following 3 users Like Splodge's post:
  • Euro2309, Super, thehsvdude
Today I got MRR Sir Handel and Trackmaster Revolution Flynn.

[Image: 12-C1-C94-D-F74-E-41-BC-A58-D-48-AE3-D72-CB71.jpg]

[Image: A3469-C54-7246-4337-BCF0-03-F3-D5-FCC6-C3.jpg]

Next week will got another Rare MRR box. Maybe a few people might have this pack.
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2023, 03:21 PM by Euro2309.)
[-] The following 6 users Like Euro2309's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, Splodge, Super, Tharazero1, thehsvdude
Nice pickups Euro 😊👍
Today I got a counterfeit trackmaster Henry. I think he look ok for me.

[Image: 30360-F3-D-6-F78-479-A-A8-A7-890-D88-CE20-B0.jpg]

And another thing that arrived is my third Ultra rare MRR chocolates Percy. He is still BNIB but the package might get a little bit damage. I never saw this pack saw in EBay before.

[Image: FA9-DA8-DE-6-B76-4092-8-F82-DC6-A0-F41-E666.jpg]
[-] The following 3 users Like Euro2309's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, Super
Wow...I always thought that the Tomy Chocolate Percy was only released as a Thomas Town Exclusive. Nice find Euro 👍

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  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, Euro2309
@Super Hit Toy also make chocolate Percy too. But it really hard to find.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Euro2309's post:
  • Super
Is the HiT Toy release exactly like this Tomy release or is he different?
If the Hit toy/Tomy from UK package is the same as MRR.

[Image: F9300-CC8-1-BF1-42-BC-9-F57-CFDF8511-BD9-D.jpg]

But the other chocolate Percy package is different variant.
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  • generic_truck_69420, Super, thehsvdude
(06-06-2023, 08:30 PM)Super Wrote: Is the HiT Toy release exactly like this Tomy release or is he different?

Chocolate Crunch Percy was released in the following:

  1. Thomas Town - Plarail, Shocked Face, Green Plastic with Brown Paint, White Footplate. Comes with Yellow-Orange Truck with Brown Paint Applications
  2. Motor Road and Rail - Released outside of the US, Shocked Face, Brown Plastic with Green paint. Comes with Mail Van and Fuel Tanker.
  3. TrackMaster (Hit Toys/TOMY) - Released outside of the US, virtually identical to the Motor Road and Rail release sans original packaging.
  4. TrackMaster Hit Toys - Northern America Release, Smiling Face, Green plastic with Brown paint, comes with Chocolate Syrup tanker
  5. TrackMaster Revolution - 
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • Super, thehsvdude
Thank you F-Far 😃
I do like the looks of the two Plarail (shocked face) release better than the more common Trackmaster/HiT ones but never pulled the trigger on it. They are readily available new in box in the Japan auctions....well at least they were when I would spend hours searching the listing way back when. 😆
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  • thehsvdude

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