ffarquhar's purchases or something

21 Replies, 12148 Views

Hm, interesting, I usually just used a flat-head screwdriver for that, it works a right treat

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[Image: 795436713421701122.png?v=1]
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this thread's been dead for a bit


even though i post most purchases in the custom thread now heres this, i bought knapford (uk listing) last week (7/1) and it should be here by the end of july

notable bits, tomy knapford, tomy engine sheds, tomy ffarquhar, tomy duck, tomy breakdown crane, tomy spencer coach
[Image: 2022birthday-11.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2023, 10:42 PM by FfarquharDeveloper. Edit Reason: error )
[-] The following 4 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, Super
Congratulations on snagging a Knapford Station pair...it is the best station made 😎 IMO!
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  • DalaGStanator, Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp
I'm glad you got yor second crane, I really like to run both cranes with one of Harvey 's works unit coaches , wich I've moded to have a second hook on the back, mainly to run with Donald and Douglas , and with some white paper in the windows, wich is both accurate to the show and helps hide the battery. In my opinion the simplest way to form a train is by having the coach in between the cranes . I prefer to put the coach facing the opposite way from the engine, wich can allow me to reverse.

The special coach is also very nice. I think two looks better than one, however it 's a bit annoying given that it's a break coach.

Knapford and the sheds are very nice to have. I really need to get a knapford station for my collection.And maybe a new duck, however the one I have now is just fine.

You sure got a great lot!
The magic of the GWR
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2023/5/26 2023/6/19

This arrived like 3 weeks ago now, just didn't get around to posting this update to the thread

everything + some other things
[Image: may2023-purchases1.jpg]

s-34 car carrier train
  • This became Willow the Works Diesel
[Image: may2023-purchases4.jpg]

2 more donalds
  • The better condition one (right) is becoming my new main Donald to have unity of all TOMY engines on layer 3. This Donald has a cracked gear and some corrosion that both need minor repair but is cosmetically in better condition.
  • The worse condition one (left) became Blue Douglas. This Donald has more cosmetic damages but is more mechanically sound.
[Image: may2023-purchases3.jpg]

s-52 romance car + talking gordon express coaches
  • The Romance Car ends are becoming Pip and Emma, the Intercity 125 HST twin pair.
  • The Talking Gordon Express coaches were originally going to become coaches for pip and emma, ended up deciding against that and they're now part of my coach fleet.
[Image: may2023-purchases6.jpg]

t-06 painted face percy
  • The shell is staying as us unmodified, the chassis on the other hand is becoming Jinty's chassis.
[Image: may2023-purchases7.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 06-19-2023, 09:22 PM by FfarquharDeveloper.)
[-] The following 4 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, Super
Nice pick ups Ffar 👍
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  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp
Well what do ya know I actually posted this on the same day as getting it.

2023/7/29 Update

So here's the entire thing
[Image: 2023-7-29-haul.jpg]

Blue Express Coaches
  • 3 of these came together
  • One of them was sold on its own
  • The last one was bundled with the Talking James (as originally released)
  • One has busted buffers but that'll rarely be seen so I don't mind.
[Image: 2023-7-29-blue-express-coaches.jpg]

3 Brake Vans
  • All of these were bought individually.
  • 2 of them are 2014 James brake vans
  • The last one is a Stepney Brake Van (as evidenced by the roof)
[Image: 2023-7-29-brake-vans.jpg]

3 Cattle Vans
  • These are the earlier versions without the axle boxes.
  • Interestingly the doors are all fitted in different ways on each of the vans, one has them slide in opposite directions, the other two both slide in the same direction on both sides.
[Image: 2023-7-29-cattle-vans.jpg]

The Chinese Dragon
  • googly eyed
  • busted buffers but it is holding up just fine
[Image: 2023-7-29-chinese-dragon.jpg]

Lady's Trucks
  • nothing notable except that the company put bubble wrap INSIDE the trucks and I think that's funny so I'm leaving it there
[Image: 2023-7-29-ladys-trucks.jpg]

Regular James (2014 design)
  • he runs, but i'm using his chassis for another character
[Image: 2023-7-29-regular-james.jpg]

Harrison Van and Fuel Tanker
  • this is why i bought james
[Image: 2023-7-29-rolling-stock.jpg]

Talking James (2014 variant)
  • i bought him for the blue express coach so I could have 5 like my green and red sets but now i've decided i'm using his chassis for another custom as a donor.
[Image: 2023-7-29-talking-james.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 11:40 PM by FfarquharDeveloper. Edit Reason: bullet points since the original method of editing was removed. )
[-] The following 4 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, PJ100001, Super
I believe that Harrison Van as you call it is from the Chuggington line...right?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp
Super dateline='[url=tel:1690674412' Wrote: 1690674412[/url]']
I believe that Harrison Van as you call it is from the Chuggington line...right?

Yes, the purple roofed van was released with Harrison from the Plarail Chuggington Line, hence the name “Harrison Van”
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 1 user Likes FfarquharDeveloper's post:
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Sorry..not too familiar off the top of my head with the Chuggington character. 😒

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