Rarest TrackMaster Trains

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Similar to the Rarest Plarail/Tomy Trains thread, I would like to have a list of the rarest TrackMaster items (Hit Toys and original Fisher-Price).

From what I have read, these are the top contenders:
- Lion of Sodor
- Flip-Face RC Celebration Thomas*
- Hector w/ Red Coach
- Alfie
- Spooky Stanley
- Snow-Covered Freddie*
- Black Wheel Rim Buster
- Hit Toys Face Slippy Sodor Thomas

*We don’t know if these were official products or not

Could someone with more extensive knowledge *ahem Muddy ahem* please chime in?
plarail for life
[-] The following 1 user Likes TrainsRawesome's post:
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We do have this Thread with a discussion although its 6 years old. Maybe there is much of what you are looking for there.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • TrainsRawesome
I’ve seen that thread, but I do think it is a little out-of-date (like you said, it’s 6 years old, and a lot of discoveries have been made in the past few years)
plarail for life
[-] The following 1 user Likes TrainsRawesome's post:
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What is the 'Black Wheel Cover Buster' I am not sure I have seen a picture of him or is there none, just a rumor?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
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That is the Buster with the black wheel rim that was originally thought to be the prototype but now seems to be the actual first version (similar to the Slippy Sodor Thomas). Tons made a thread about it: https://blueplastictracks.com/showthread.php?tid=4450
plarail for life
[-] The following 1 user Likes TrainsRawesome's post:
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Oh...I was picturing a wheel with a black cover Undecided
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Don't think the Hector with red coach should count as the only way we know its the rare version if it is BNIB. I think this list should only compromise of stuff that has the same rarity loose as well. The Spooky Stanley shouldn't count as we have never seen one in someones hands, and was never released.

From your list here is a list from rarest to least rarest
1. Lion of Sodor
2. Flip-Face RC Celebration Thomas*
3. Black Wheel Rim Buster
4. Hit Toys Face Slippy Sodor Thomas
5. Snow-Covered Freddie*
6. Alfie

I also have a firm belief that prototypes should also not be added to the list. Although we know that they're the rarest, they were never given the chance to be available to the general public, or available in stores making it only the people who either work in the factory, or have contacts that work there are the only ones able to get them. Furthermore, there is a prototype for every single item that has been made, and the ones you've mentioned @TrainsRawesome are the only ones to get into collectors hands, meaning if you want a true list with prototypes included, you'd need to include the prototype of every single item made in HiT Toys and Fisher Price history which isn't feasible. I also think that the RC Party Flags Thomas is a prototype too because we've only ever seen one, and no production packaging for it either, which is why I've excluded it. Therefore the list I will abide by will be this. 

1. Lion of Sodor
2. Black Wheel Rim Buster
3. Alfie
4. Monty

- Flip-Face RC Celebration Thomas
- Hit Toys Face Slippy Sodor Thomas
- Snow-Covered Freddie

Although the prototypes have been excluded from the list, we can list all the known prototypes in collectors' hands at the bottom of the list just so others who read this know they exist too.

Anyone is welcome to add to this list to get it going so there is more to abide by
I agree with the Flip-Face Celebration Thomas and Hector. However, we have seen several Snowy Freddies and face-variation Slippy Sodor Thomases, which leads me to believe they are more than just prototypes. Also, Muddy says there was an eBay seller who had three BNIB Spooky Stanleys.

There’s also a rumor that a few Flip-Face Percys might have slipped out before being recalled. If that’s the case, that would put it at the top of the list, but it’s highly unlikely that’s true.
plarail for life
The Snowy Freddie's are very easy to be faked (as shown by Custom Trackmasters Youtube Video) which makes it hard to tell a real one from a possible fake (if there are any). I know of only 2 to exist, and we've never seen any box art or packaging for it, showing that it is in fact a prototype, same with the Slippy Sodor Thomas'. If someone could show me some box art or packaging for both of these then I'd be happy to add them to the list. With Muddy Poppins' case, I think the lady he purchased them off probably knew they were supposed to come out, and listed them for sale prematurely before having them in her hands. If she had them in her actual possession then, then thats a different story. She probably had them then Target must've contacted her saying to return them or something because they weren't supposed to be released. However my case would be the same due to the fact that it was withdrawn from shelves instantly, just like the Flip Face Percy you mentioned. Alfie is similar in this case, however with him we know that he was on shelves for at least 2-3 months in 2008, meaning that he was in fact released to the general public, then removed from shelves after this small production period.

See my logic?
[-] The following 2 users Like Tharazero1's post:
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(06-10-2021, 02:20 PM)TrainsRawesome Wrote: I agree with the Flip-Face Celebration Thomas and Hector. However, we have seen several Snowy Freddies and face-variation Slippy Sodor Thomases, which leads me to believe they are more than just prototypes. Also, Muddy says there was an eBay seller who had three BNIB Spooky Stanleys.

There’s also a rumor that a few Flip-Face Percys might have slipped out before being recalled. If that’s the case, that would put it at the top of the list, but it’s highly unlikely that’s true.

Its actually quite possible that the flip face percys may have slipped out. This because at least 2 or 3 sets exist (one a prototype version with different colours) and it got so much promotion, so some may exist. Also, Train boy 33 uploaded a video where he talks about (and shows) a shell that could either be of a flip face percy or an rc percy. However it could be a flip face percy as it has 2 dots on the side, coloured black, that the rc percy never had but the flip face did.

link to vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HBMOwfvAa4
Train it, plane it, you name it!

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