Tons Of Trackmasters YouTube videos

71 Replies, 39850 Views

I wanted to keep track of my videos, looking at TrackMaster items, their history and usually prototypes! I will only be posting the good stuff on this post so lets get started with the latest video: 
Trackmaster Flora | A Tons Talk
is a video focusing on Flora's TM model, comparing it to her TVS model, looking at her highly detailed coach and lastly her 2 prototypes and her many packages.
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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I enjoyed your Livestream today also Tons. You are a very good speaker for sure Smile
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merci beaucoup!
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2021, 02:55 PM by Super.)
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Thank you for your video on Flora! It was very informative, especially on the subject of prototypes and packagings. There is this packaging of Flora (first below) with both "TrackMaster" and "Tomy" logo on it. I don't think there were many trains released that way:

[Image: Flora-pakiranja.jpg]

As for the character of Flora, I think she (or rather the episode she starred in) has a few important messages: (1) caring about the feelings of our friends (Thomas' care for Toby's feelings regarding the  new tram engine on the Island); (2) no-one should feel intimidated or indisposed by just being a little different from others (Toby's insecurity and questioning the capabilities of his own work, believing that he is not a proper engine, only good enough as a museum piece and not really special at all); (3) keep the doors of our lives open to new experiences and friendships (as it turns out, Flora happens to be warmly fond of Toby and they led the first annual Great Waterton parade together).

Flora is a very nice, docile, cheerful and happy character. True, she appears in only one episode, but I think it's a great story!  Smile
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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Trackmaster Billy prototype | A Tons Talk
In this video we dive into Silly Billy's Trackmaster model and his prototype greatest moments pack! We also take a look at his different releases and a comparison between his TVS model and TrackMaster model!
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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I really do like the Tanker and different Chicken Wagon of the prototype. Could you make that happen for me Tons? Big Grin
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I'm afraid I'm not a customizer, I'm sure some expert custom makers like  Ffarquar Developer could lend a helping hand in customizing a chicken van & a tanker?
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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No...I want you to use your influence on the people at Plarail to make them....please Wink
Indeed, we need a silver diesel tanker Big Grin

Also here is the image from the beginning of my video! [Image: 2008-TM-layout.jpg]
that is eye candy for a kid, HiT knew how to get people to buy their products unlike a certain other company... 
Also video ideas galore
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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Well i was absent for a few days so lets cough fill in the gaps starting with: 
Only 100 silver Thomas's ever made?
In this discussion i talk about the very rare and hard to find plarail silver Thomas (who was released in 2018) and react to an unboxing! (I later found out that the user had covered him in playdough!! What a turnout.
channel trailer 2021
basically a very brief introduction to my channel, a few videos shown anshow my rarer items for example the MIB Thumper scenery set! Enjoy
Trackmaster busy bee james?
In this video i am joined by Oliver the train guy as we talk about the MANY variations of the famous black and...errr yellow james who only appeared in one episode! Some models (TOMY) are better than others (Trackmaster 2)
Fake Trackmaster dodge?!
In this video i talk about the multiple releases of the trackmaster dodge, from TOMY to HiT to Fisher price and we also dabble into the knockoff world of trackmaster whilst taking muddy Poppins's video and making it 2 minutes instead of 16 in the process. This is a pretty fun video to watch and quite interesting as well (albeit those sections taken once again from his video) i think half of my discussions are his videos lol Wink

Also thanks a 'ton' for 2.66k subscribers everyone, i really appreciate it! And once again enjoy this selection of videos, and I'll try to be consistent next time!  Smile
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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