Spooky stanley information?

20 Replies, 11764 Views

So there really isn't a lot of info about the rc ill fated target exclusive spooky stanley but i dug up an old thread from 2015!
[Image: Screenshot-20210201-001334-Samsung-Internet.jpg]
To muddy I just have 1 or 2 questions if you don't mind Big Grin
1. Did you save any evidence like a screenshot or the link to the listing?
2. Do you remember the packaging or anything else
3. Is the seller still active? If so then potentially asking where they got Stanley from could be an idea.
But that is just me rambling. If anyone else has any info on this very mysterious product it would be greatly appreciated Smile
Thanks ~ Tons
[Image: Screenshot-20210201-000801-Samsung-Internet.jpg]

If you still have (per say) the link, i could try and put it into the wayback machine.
Since you "bought" it; is it still saved onto your Ebay purchases page? It was from a long time ago so...

Oh yes and also a high definition image of the cancelled 2014 rc stanley with his remote.
[Image: Screenshot-20210131-175839-Samsung-Internet.jpg]
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 12:53 AM by Super.)
[-] The following 4 users Like Tons of Trackmasters's post:
  • DalaGStanator, MuddyPoppins, Super, Tharazero1
Aaaaarg! T’was a night like me ire I’ll never forget...
Burned into me psyche like a cruel tortured scar ‘o ye long branding iron I says!!
She was mine...near within me grasp.
Bought and paid from a lot o’ three, found listed on eBay she be.
Snatched away from me clutches!!!
Stolen away she was, denied and retracted, by a treacherous seller so vile that me hearts grudge still lingers of thee.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 4 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
  • DalaGStanator, MagicRail, Mister No, Super
Now that was a poetic approach if i ever saw one.
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
[-] The following 2 users Like Tons of Trackmasters's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, Super
But actually, do you remember any of these? I just need this info for a project
Did you save any evidence like a screenshot or the link to the listing?
2. Do you remember the packaging or anything else
3. Is the seller still active? If so then potentially asking where they got Stanley from could be an idea.
4. If you still have (per say) the link, i could try and put it into the wayback machine.
5. Since you "bought" it; is it still saved onto your Ebay purchases page? It was from a long time ago so...
As you are the only person who has seen this item in the wild it could be really helpfull Smile
I hope you can get back to me Big Grin and thanks in advance
[Image: Screenshot-20210201-172457-Samsung-Internet.jpg]
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
The eBay seller: ******** (spelling?)
Horrid woman.
She had 3 bnib.
It was a larger sized box set that came with a small loop of glow in the dark track.
She cancelled my order because she was going on vacation for a month.
I told her that I would wait until she got back, but refunded my money anyway.
She was awful.
I don’t have any images saved (except in me gulliver), and my eBay purchase history does not go back that far.
My only guess on why it was cancelled is that the finished version was rejected by Target as an exclusive by their product review board, and deemed too “spooky” and scary for ages 3+ range.
Sorry Tons, but that’s all that I have for you.
Good luck!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2021, 05:57 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes MuddyPoppins's post:
  • Tons of Trackmasters
Thank you very much muddy!
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
[-] The following 1 user Likes Tons of Trackmasters's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
You’re very welcome Tons!! Smile
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 08:13 PM by Super.)
Big Grin
So was this carol person someone who worked at target? That could be the reason why she had 3.
Oh and also did the remote also have green splodges?
I have tried to find that listing on worthpoint.com but alas nothing. This is one of the biggest mysteries regarding trackmaster i must say.

I'm really sorry if I'm bothering you by the way
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 08:23 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Tons of Trackmasters's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
No bother at all Tons..
No the only green glow in the dark spatter is the one on the top of Stanley.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
This is what we have so far: The RC spooky stanley would have been an RC glow in the dark engine. he had luminous green splodges on his boiler and roof plus an attached grey car with some luminous green barrels. they could be unscrewed and batteries would be put inside. he was supposed to be a target exclusive and they were sent to said target stores. (this is where facts begin to fade and these are more estimates) however target declined him as he was too scary for kids? This was probably because his remote was supposed to make scary sounds. HOWEVER in 2011 a seller named ******** according to Muddy Poppins listed 3 BNIB spooky stanley sets. this is what Muddy recalled of the listing: The eBay seller: ******** (spelling?)  woman. She had 3 bnib. It was a larger sized box set that came with a small loop of glow in the dark track. She cancelled my order because she was going on vacation for a month. I told her that I would wait until she got back, but refunded my money anyway. She was awful. I don’t have any images saved (except in me gulliver), and my eBay purchase history does not go back that far. My only guess on why it was cancelled is that the finished version was rejected by Target as an exclusive by their product review board, and deemed too “spooky” and scary for ages 3+ range. as you can see he was SO close to getting this mythical item but alas. This was in 2011 so there are no screenshots of the boxes unfortunately. The remote had no green splodges but did have buttons to press to make said sounds.

Anything else muddy? Or have i got everything Big Grin
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile https://www.youtube.com/@TonsOfTrackmasters
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2021, 05:59 PM by Super.)

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