(10-25-2021, 05:39 PM)GreatGordonFan Wrote: (10-25-2021, 03:53 AM)ThomasSirHandel Wrote: The only modern show that really seems to last in kids is Paw Patrol.
Paw partrol is what thomas is being compared to by people today, which is ridiculous as paw patrol came out in 2013, whilst the railway series came out 68 years earlier in 1945.
I mean, while I won't pretend Paw Patrol has as much of the heritage as Thomas, having now also seen the Paw Patrol movie [my freind's 'revenge' for me dragging him to Race for The Sodor Cup], Paw Patrol actually at least seems to respect it's audience and fanbase?
I mean, for one thing, the movie was actually a decent movie; Sure, it's a kid's tie-in flick, and so you only expect so much from something like that, and yet they actually made a movie that's not just tolerable, but actually good!
Good jokes, an actual plot with consequences risks and goals with a good message for the kids, cool machines, really nice animation, voice acting that isn't ear-gratingly awful, seriously i'm almost 23 and here I am singing the virtues of Paw Patrol lmao
But for real, one thing me and my freind agreed on afterwards; Paw Patrol actually went way harder than they could have, they could have just done an AEG and made the movie a 60 minute episode, and not given a toss, but no, they respected their audience, and the adults present, and made something good!
Of course, it remains to be seen if it'll have the same longevity as Thomas, that is true, but honestly, if they keep making stuff as good as this, while AEG is the new benchmark going forward for Thomas, then I think Paw Patrol is gonna keep getting better - And yeah, i'm a lifelong Thomas fan, saying this with a somewhat heavy heart really since i've basically seen the TV franchise get metaphorically cremated in the last year and destroyed beyond recognition, but hey, I suppose as long as kids have options, and/or enjoy the stuff, i guess that's what counts  Just a shame Thomas had to go down this way, not exactly dignified huh
Been building Plarail worlds since 2001; Building when I can in 2023 
(11-27-2021, 05:10 PM)GreatGordonFan Wrote: This is my opinion
The current winner for worst T&F episode is Up up and away.
But I once had a thought: what would be the worst thomas episode imaginable? The worst thomas episode imaginable would be:
-A miller written,
-bwba style
-2d episode.
Those 3 things the fandom hates the most. So the worst episode would be all 3 of those things
And guess what? They literally made an episode with those 3 awful elements
"Nia's balloon blunder" is a reboot episode (2d element) about Nia (bwba element) failing a simple task of delivering a balloon (miller-esque element) as it flies of with her.
The irony is hilarious!
So in your short text you mentioned: - worst T&F episode
- worst thomas episode imaginable
- worst thomas episode imaginable would be:
- fandom hates the most
- So the worst episode would be
- those 3 awful elements
Your opinion is valuable & cherished. But can you (please) tell us about something that is not the worse, that you (and fandom) don't hate, and that is not awful?
Could you walk on the bright side of life for a while?
Thank you.
@Mister No,
Thanks for reminding me . I will try to be more positive
Train it, plane it, you name it!
Hey, all. I understand this is a bit of a delicate thread with lots of opinions, and I’ve enjoyed reading them. I’ve learned some history about the series and what lifelong fans thoughts are on all the changes the series has gone through.
I’ve learned all I know of the series through my kids enjoyment of trains. I never grew up with Thomas, really. I just don’t really remember it from a young age. Either way, it’s been fun raising kids train obsessed.
That said, my youngest is 6 and he really likes this new series (along with all the previous ones). Maybe the youthful image of the trains helps him relate a little more to trains in moments? He’s been asking for some of these toys and I’ve not seen them at all in stores. I always keep an eye on what’s available online and in brick and mortar stores and nothing at all. Still all the previous trackmaster stuff. Just curious if any one here has come across them in person or available to purchase. Thanks for any info you may know.
I mean, I'd say it's great he [your youngest] likes the new series, I suppose in the long run [as I see it] that's what counts, I'm an old-style die-hard so I'll stick with my tapes of old episodes, like my freinds, but hey, what do I know, I'm 23 and have no kids, and so I guess I don't have the advantage of youth on my side to see what the younger crowd sees in the new stuff
So far, [and I am based in the UK so take that for what it's worth], some stuff based on AEG has started to appear in stores here, like Smyths [our version of big box toy stores like Toys 'R' Us], Argos [catalog-based department store], and The Entertainer [national toy chain], although it seems more a transitional phase between stocks of the old CG based stuff and the new AEG stuff - I only noticed this when popping in and out for discount doll accessories and stuff, as obviously I have to get all my Plarail/Tomica gear off the net since they don't sell Plarail in stores round these parts lol
That said, as far as I know there are no plans to release Race for The Sodor Cup, or even any episodes of All Engines Go on DVD here, my freind speculating that the mixed reception to the series, especially here where Thomas started off and has been an integral part of many childhoods, might be to blame? I'd say that's a shame in some ways, as while I myself literally don't care if AEG makes it here or not, I don't speak for the whole country, and I can honestly believe that there may be kids out there who want it, but might not be able to get it, and that would honestly be a shame - Not everyone has Netflix et al, so I hate the idea that a whole series of Thomas might be shut off from it's target audience.
Anyway, maybe that's of help, I don't know  It's always good to hear of new railway enthusiasts though, after all, many of us started with Thomas, so maybe this is just a new Thomas for a new generation, and i'm just old
Been building Plarail worlds since 2001; Building when I can in 2023 
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2021, 12:46 PM by Super.)
Here in Poland, I went to a couple of toy stores and a carrefour and this is the result: No AEG merch, at all (the polish aeg dub is yet to be released).
A strange thing too : some older merch has appeared. In carrefour, I found a TAKE N PLAY skiff even though take n play has been discontinued in 2016 (didn't buy it) and some early tm2 stuff such as a track pack from like 2014 have also been spotted. I also found a take n play (I think it was) set based on the great race from 2016. What is going on here
Train it, plane it, you name it!
Thanks for the info, guys. Nice to hear some have been spotted in stores. I just had figured this transition would have happened before Christmas given the new series has been available to stream for a little while so far. At this point I have my doubts there will be any AEG toys for my kiddo under the tree this year.
Also, interestingly here in Canada, I’ve noticed a similar confusing transition of toys in stores. My local toys r us’ Thomas section had nearly 50% take n play style toys in their section last time I was there. I had never really seen these sets before and found it very confusing since in my history of buying the toys they have been almost non-existent on shelves compared to the wooden, trackmaster and mini sections.
I wouldn't lose hope for Christmas quite yet - I've seen some of these in the UK stores already, but the website says to expect a December 1st release, so maybe there's going to be a release for North America [including Canada] in time for Christmas too?
It seems what's going on is an amalglamation of the Trackmaster and Take & Play systems, with both systems being combined into one unified system that uses the same tracks for both types of vehicle? I have to admit, that makes some sense as it does mean the same toys all work on the same tracks, rather than having 2 distinct and yet incompatible systems, although that said I still think Plarail and Tomica are the gold-standard when it comes to cross-compatibility and functionality, but hey, that's just me
Maybe that goes something towards explaining why they're winding down stock of Take & Play, in preperation for the new track system? Assuming Take & Play will fit the new tracks [can't be sure but there's a possibility that Mattel maintained compatibility] then maybe it's worth picking some up, but I can't say with any certainty as this really isn't my area of expertise; I'm a Plarail man through and through [with a dash of Barbie-scale fashion dolls on the side], who spotted these things shopping for Barbie-size outfits to use for my fashion dolls, so other than knowing they exist as products here in the UK, that's about all I know ^_^
But anyway, the way it's looking here, I'd say there's maybe a chance for a Christmas debut yet - Keep checking online and IRL would be my advice
Been building Plarail worlds since 2001; Building when I can in 2023 
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2021, 08:40 PM by Super.)
Here in Croatia (EU), there are no Tomy trains (Plarail) at all. Zero. There were many Tomy trains and sets more than 15 years ago (or so), mostly UK import of "Tomica World Road & Rail System" and "Thomas & Friends Motor Road & Rail", but since then - nothing. It's hard to find Takara Tomy Plarail product in Europe. I have to buy everything online (most of my Plarail trains are bought in Japan, Hong Kong), shipping and handling prices are going up every day, and the lovely European Union has managed to persuade many web shops (eBay, Amazon, even AliExpress!) to pre-charge customers VAT on purchased goods, depending on the country they come from. My VAT is 25%, the second highest in the EU (after Hungary, 27%).
As for Fisher-Price, there is almost nothing in local stores. I only managed to buy Push Along Kevin, Rainbow Thomas, Toby & Harold, and this spectacular TrackMaster "set" locally:
There is nothing else. Sometimes a single TrackMaster train is accidentally found in large department stores; currently there is nothing anywhere here except TM2 Percy with the mail wagon. Some TrackMaster trains and sets can be found on European Amazons (German, Spanish, Italian), but not all and not many. I found some TrackMaster trains on eBay (from Poland).
The American Amazon has become completely "unattractive" because shipping & handling costs around USD 60 for a train costing around USD 20. (It's not just trains; all books also now have dizzying postage, about 3 times the price of the book itself, madness). And then 25% VAT is paid on the price of goods + postage. Thus, for example, the price of a train that costs USD 21.99 with postage and VAT is USD 102.95. Goodbye, Amazon.us.
After Brexit, there is an interesting Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and UK: there is no special customs clearance and taxation, but only if the product is from the UK. Of course, if you buy a Plarail or TrackMaster train (or an American book, for example), you pay all possible duties (even high customs duties if the goods are expensive and not manufactured in UK), which could be many times higher than the price of the goods you buy.
No AEG products, of course, are currently on offer in local stores, as well as on any of Amazon within the EU.
Holy bank roll...25% Tax on imported personal purchases. I never understood that. I can see charging an inflated price for an imported object if that item is also available from vendors in ones country but not for items that aren't. I appreciate your collection even more now Mt No after what you have to go through just to buy something readily available in other parts of the world.