Big loader

17 Replies, 11272 Views

Hi I've got our old original big loader out of the loft for my grandson but is tyres have perished and it wont work, I bought the ones for the tomy train but they are to small
Does anyone know if these are available anywhere
Thanks Iain
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Hello Iain

Welcome to Blue Plastic Tracks.

I think Sunhuntin might know much about the Big Loader sets as they have quite a few. Lets see if they can help.
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  • FfarquharDeveloper, Iain
hi iain,

there must have been replacement tyres back in the day [indeed i have a pack, not for sale sorry] but i cant find anything on ebay.

my best suggestion would be to buy another whole chassis and either use that, or swap the wheels over. my website has a picture guide on opening and repairing big loader chassis.

good luck, and i hope you are able to get it going again.
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I wonder if you can use the appropriate sized rubber O-Ring from a hardware store would work in lieu of finding replacements?
it might work, but being smooth it might struggle on the hill. the big loader tyres are the same as those on the trains, just a larger diameter.
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Thanks for the replys I have got some washers coming from Ebay but they are smooth so I think it'll have a problem with the corners and the hill
I'll let you know how I get on when they arrive

I see they are selling the newer big loader with Thomas but my grandson loves diggers do you know if the newer chassis will work on the older big loader
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2021, 08:54 AM by Super.)
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(01-15-2021, 07:37 AM)Iain Wrote: do you know if the newer chassis will work on the older big loader

That is an excellent question. Looking at some YouTube videos maybe but you could also look for a junker in the newer set as it looks like the wheels are the same so you could steal the rubber. What country are you in Iain in case a member has or knows where to get one?

In this video (starting at the 3:50 minute mark) it looks like the new chassis has a different top so I am not sure if it will work but...maybe.

I'm near Portsmouth in the uk
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Thanks, Where you are is good to know in case someone can help. Let us know how those 'washers' work when they come in.
i dont see why the new chassis wouldnt work, but i havent tried it either.

there is also a new version that is john deere based. comes with red "apples" rather than black "rocks"
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