FfarquharDeveloper's TrackMaster Customs

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I'm planning on making some oil drums and a piano load to cover up the battery.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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2023/8/21 Update

[Image: 2023-8-21-bear.jpg]
Redesigned the Bodyshell entirely from scratch and then printed it in another Sunlu PLA Plus filament which takes bending much better.

Big City Engine
[Image: 2023-8-21-big-city-engine.jpg]
Casted twr face and swapped tender, up next is getting rid of the old face and stripping the paint to use as a master mold for all future Henry faces.

[Image: 2023-8-21-duncan-mid-repaint.jpg]
Currently undergoing repaint, will be redoing the nameplates.

Edward, Henry, Gordon, and Percy
[Image: 2023-8-21-face-updates.jpg]
Removed all of their faces and now they all have alt faces, although Gordon and Percy are the only ones to have any completed alt faces.
Edward has smiling, shocked, and wincing. Henry has smiling and angry. Gordon has smiling and angry (from powerful gordon). Percy has smiling, angry, and tired (from rc percy)
[Image: 2023-8-21-face-updates-with-james.jpg]
James (left) for reference.

[Image: 2023-8-21-george.jpg]
Finally got around to printing him out, now all that's left is making him look remotely decent.
[Image: 2023-8-21-new-additions.jpg]

Old Shape Henry:
[Image: 2023-8-21-old-shape-henry-mid-repaint.jpg]
After remodeling his firebox and repainting the face he has been painted in this nice lovely green.

The Sodor Mail Vans:
[Image: 2023-8-21-sodor-mail-vans.jpg]
These are something I briefly mentioned once.
So here they are, the Sodor Mail Vans, making their grand debut here on my thread, I say grand debut here because I have posted progress photos elsewhere before.
These are printed in Hatchbox Green (all chassis and 4 of the vans) and Blue (2 of the vans)
The first four are missing springs on one side which will have to be added by hand when sanding and filling in the gaps on the mail vans when I get them ready for painting later this week. They are all held onto the chassis with a screw and nut from a TrackMaster 2 Engine. These vans were essentially the test dummies for my own prints later down the line for projects like regular utility vans and other express coach length items.

Tender Couplings:
[Image: tender-couplings.jpg]
I designed a Tender Coupling in Tinkercad and then printed it out in Black Overture TPU filament.

Max and Monty:
[Image: 2023-8-21-max-and-monty.jpg] [Image: 2023-8-21-max.jpg] [Image: 2023-8-21-monty.jpg]
They're finally complete.
The twins use the wooden railway faces recast and then had the lower and back sections rebuilt due to mold and resin imperfections. Max and Monty have different eyebrows and as such I cannot swap their faces around unfortunately.

also there's ned but he's just a face since I haven't designed his internal mechanisms in full and haven't printed him out.
oh yeah a tidmouth sheds cad design i made exists too but i'll upload photos of that when i start printing the absolute beast of a build
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 08-21-2023, 07:38 AM by FfarquharDeveloper.)
[-] The following 3 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  β€’ DalaGStanator, Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420
I like your idea of having different faces with different expressions to swap with.
George and the Twins look great. Nice work πŸ‘
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  β€’ DalaGStanator
2023/8/29 Update

So before getting into the topics of the post there are a few things I'd like to talk about.
1. Transformers has been steadily taking over influence, partially due to a lack of diverse Thomas content and customs, as such I've been sorta drifting away from Thomas as a primary interest. It's still my primary interest as I'm still doing Trackmaster Customs but since Thomas has kinda gotten repetitive in recent years I've been slowly falling into Transformers.
2. I've been doing commissions for the past 2 years or so and I've modeled a few characters I've been pretty proud of and have wanted to do again, just for my own collection.
3. There's a few characters I really want to make that I haven't had the chance to start on yet including:
- Norman, who I've recently modeled for a friend with a pretty close resculpt of the Dennis face to match Norman's on-screen appearance.
- Merlin, who I modeled for the same previously mentioned friend last year using a Gordon, I want to get back to that and model him again but closer to his actual on-screen appearance with some minor tweaks to the design
- Sonny, I modeled him for a friend about 2 years back now. I'm happy with the concept design and I'm not really happy with the one I made for him and I've been itching to go back and remodel Sonny for myself better with my current skills.
- Ned, I just need some hinges and winch pieces to put him together.
- The Peel Godred Electric Engines, these engines are blank slates and as such I basically have creative freedom for how they're painted and what their basis are. I've pin-pointed that I want to model 3 of them using the Electric in the S-38 long container train pack for the class 87's and an additional 2 from the S-34 Car Carrier Train pack to serve as the class 86s. While I could just buy a bunch of Diesel 10's, slap a new bodyshell onto the chassis and call it a day, part of the reason I'm doing this is because I want more of these special long bits of rolling stock because they're just that cool. Won't spoil tooΒ much for what I have planned for the electrics (which are basically original characters at this point alongside a few other characters I plan on making such as a trio of Class 66's and a pair of Class 20s). Though I will say one word pertaining to them seekers. Anyways I just wanted to nerd out about my own characters which I plan on making. Onto the actual stuff people check this thread out for.

[Image: 2023-8-29-grizzly-bears.jpg]
So I printed out an additional 2 bodyshells, the original (centre) is going to become my primary Bear and will be painted in Green as he appears post-super rescue.
The one on the left side of the photo, which is directly next to the original and the closest to the original, is going to become Bear as he first appears as D7101 painted up in the same matching Blue as my D199, who I also have to update, more on him when I get to painting the pair.
The one on the right side of the photo's for a friend.

Diesel 10:
[Image: 2023-8-29-d10a.jpg][Image: 2023-8-29-d10b.jpg]
So I finally got him an actually working Pinchy. In time I do plan on sanding and painting up pinchy alongside filling in the gap in the roof but this is where he stands at right now with a fully articulated pinchy capable of getting pretty close to the ground.

One of the more recent additions, I still need to get to repainting his front bufferbeam and painting on his brass fittings.
[Image: 2023-8-29-scruff.jpg]

There are a few other projects and characters I have worked on recently however these fall into the ever going list of "characters ive made for other people before ive made for myself

This list so-far contains the following (from oldest to newest)
- Sonny
- Green Arrow
- Merlin
- Bear
- Nigel (cancelled Jack and the Pack character)
- Ashima
- Sam
- Bridlington Goods Yard/Great Railway Show Diesels
- Norman
- Bloomer
- Helena
- Old Slow Coach
- Barry the Rescue Engine

while yes i made the customs they belong to other people and as such are not a part of my collection, hence they're not being shown off here

Not Pictured:
The Sodor Mail Vans, they're not pictured here because I'm still working on getting them smoothed out for painting and I still need to cut rods and print wheels for them.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2023, 08:23 AM by FfarquharDeveloper.)
[-] The following 3 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
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You did an excellent job with Pinchy F-Far. My compliments πŸ‘
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  β€’ DalaGStanator
2023/9/19 Update

so anyways Transformers still has a massive grasp on me, my source: I impulse bought legacy tfa prowl on sunday when legacy tfa bumblebee leaked (& also had a bit of influence here with the creative process)

ok now for the stuff everyone checks this thread for:

Pip and Emma
So here's Pip and Emma, finally completed!
Since the last time they've been seen on a post here, they've been given new faces, Emma's been made the power car, and she has shades now.
[Image: pipemma-complete001.jpg][Image: pipemma-complete002.jpg]

Some closeups of them.
[Image: pipemma-complete003.jpg][Image: pipemma-complete006.jpg][Image: pipemma-complete005.jpg][Image: pipemma-complete004.jpg]

Here they are with coaches
[Image: pipemma-complete007.jpg][Image: pipemma-complete008.jpg][Image: pipemma-complete010.jpg][Image: pipemma-complete009.jpg]

Okay so some of you are probably wondering about the thought process behind all the visual differences on them from their counterparts in the books.
1. Emma's Shades
-- transformers brainrot, okay so I saw a gif of some transformers characters with shades and there was a pair of pink heart shades and I liked that a lot and wanted to try that out on Emma

2. Emma being the power car
-- this is a direct result of her getting the shades

3. The grey faces
-- I follow a TVS artstyle for the most part which means the grey faces are a standard across most characters, pip and emma were incredibly close to being exempt from this rule and it was a very hard choice to make but I ultimately settled on the grey faces as it gave me more creative control with their faces.

4. The makeup
-- The Sodor Island 3d / Wildnorwester models of Pip and Emma have black lips and that served as inspiration for the black lipstick (earthspark skywarp and novastorm had some influence here aswell) the eyeliner??? was just added on to try and balance out the faces.

5. The shift to slightly different and more brighter colors.
-- I wanted to reuse the blue express coaches for them (albeit the coaches are bit too dark, and greenish???, for them) so I set to painting them in TS-23 light blue and TS-4 german grey so they'd match the coaches. Additionally TS-7 racing white was used for this exact same reason, although it's not perfect. I may end up repainting the blue express coaches in the future (or get another set of 5 green coaches to paint up to match pip and emma in the future)
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 09-19-2023, 07:07 AM by FfarquharDeveloper.)
[-] The following 4 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  β€’ DalaGStanator, DrMopp1966, generic_truck_69420, Super
Excellent thought processes and development F-far and the photography is top notch πŸ‘
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  β€’ DalaGStanator
Nice customs and great photography
Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.

My Twitter
[-] The following 2 users Like Trainboy90 Productions's post:
  β€’ DalaGStanator, Super
very nice indeed!! love the shades
(this is @ArtBoy54 from twitter btw i got BPT~)
[-] The following 2 users Like DrMopp1966's post:
  β€’ DalaGStanator, Super
Thanks for the compliments everyone!

Glad to see you finally join us on bpt!
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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