FfarquharDeveloper's TrackMaster Customs

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She is looking good Ffar. You may need to add a little weight under that battery to make up the difference from a C size and a AAA. She may do wheelies on Points and curves.
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1/24/22 Update

Preparations for Plarail Rebecca:
I painted a Neville tender Yellow yesterday in preparation for Plarail Rebecca, along with some bulleid wheels. I plan on just refitting the standard Plarail Rebecca wheels by filling it in with Tamiya Putty and then cutting out the bulleid shape for them. I still have to clearcoat the wheels to get the glossy effect to cover the white on them.
[Image: P1020727.jpg][Image: P1020728.jpg][Image: P1020729.jpg]

Sir Handel:
So I tried painting Sir Handel today and it didn't end up so well. The paint mixture kept clogging the airbrush for some reason despite it working just fine about 3 weeks ago.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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  • DalaGStanator, Super
I really like the looks of that Tender Ffar...nice work Smile
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  • DalaGStanator
2/7/22 Update

Annie and Clarabel:
Started work on a mod I wanted to do before I got knocked out.
- Added noses, roof vents, opened windows (I'm redoing annie at some point because of the slightly wonk windows), and complete repaints.
Both were painted using Tamiya's TS-98 Pure Orange spray and Tamiya's X-2 White using an airbrush.
[Image: annieandclarabel-wip-refurb.jpg]

FINALLY GOT AROUND TO RESHAPING HIS EYES AND MADE HIS SOCKETS THE CORRECT SHAPE, I'm still not too happy with the eyebrows or pupil size and the shade to an extent but I am much happier with it now. Also I added another set of wheels and I'm a bit yeah/nah on it.
[Image: james-refurb.jpg]

Another refurbishment that got pushed back due to COVID. Reprimed and properly painted him this time, hopefully this time the green will actually stick.
[Image: dodgerefurb-final-maybe.jpg]

The handrails were painted white, buffers cut off from TM2 Thomas and sanded off then superglued on, and a bit of weathering added on aswell.
[Image: saltyupgrade1.jpg][Image: saltyupgrade2.jpg]

Sorry for the massive lack of updates/just being here in general, I've been shifting my focus a bit more on school recently and I've had less time to work on custom projects due to either working on getting assignments done or working on keeping my room clean and organized.

I don't really have anything else to add on other than Engine Themes Volume 4 (recreated by classic co-composer Mike himself) is great and the 5th track is the best one on the CD, don't @ me, and that doing a deep clean of your room and wiping off dust really makes a world of a difference.
[Image: volume4.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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Sure like the window cutouts on Annie & Clarabel and Salty's...salty seaside weathering is kewl. I also like the look of the added wheels to James...have any other pictures of him in different angled views?
Sorry for going near radio silent once again. I've been focusing heavily on school and I've been doing pretty good. I'm finally getting my life on track again after a bit of turbulence. [ it's personal I'm doing real fine now Smile ]

3/6/22 Update

I don't feel like doing excessive formatting again so I'm just dumping everything into one update.

Toby, Duck, Donald, Douglas, and Oliver
Toby's roof and face were repainted, Duck and Oliver's footplates were repainted, Donald and Douglas were sanded to have a more matte finish and Donald's face was modified to his smiling face with a knife by cutting the mouth. Additionally, Oliver's frames and buffer beams (black and red) were repainted to get rid of the cruddy lumpy paint I used nearly two years ago on them.
[Image: oliverandtoby.jpg][Image: duckk.jpg][Image: donaldre.jpg]

Not pictured (Cranky)
- I tried repainting him but slightly mucked up the paint so I need to go and repaint him entirely again

Scored a lot on a yahoo auctions proxy bidder
- Main reason was BoCo Chassis and Diesel 10
-- Diesel 10 to replace my current Diesel 10
-- BoCo for his Chassis for D261 or D199
Bought two Diesel 10s off of eBay (one with a snapped tab, unfortunately, but has a van which was the reason why i purchased that d10 instead of finding another one) for D261 (Class 40) and D199 (Spamcan)
Also the Terence/Trevor/Caroline flatbeds with their flatbeds.
Bringing the total Tar Tankers to 2, green flatbeds to 4, total flatbeds to 5 (rocky's flatbed is the first), and the vans to five.
[Image: absolute-win-of-a-lot.png][Image: someflats.png][Image: d10forabigdiesel.png][Image: d10forabigdiesel2.png]

Additionally, I also got Out of Oil's 3d Print of Daisy and Her Face to finally make Daisy.
There are a few other things I'm planning on (Ryan and S-38 to name a few) going for after the two Japanese listings (flatbeds, lot of 6 sets with rusty/boco/d10/thomas/percy/james) arrive at the warehouse and are packaged just because making an INCREDIBLY huge box is very expensive and isn't wise at all.

Also, Rosie and Rebecca, I think I mentioned Rebecca already, should be arriving sometime this week.

Additionally, Flying Scotsman (to the surprise of no one) needs maintenance again after his wires did not stick again, I'm going to be having a go at fixing it soon, hopefully, this or next weekend.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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Quite the update Ffar...everything looks great. Love how you made Donald smile Smile
3/9/22 Update


[Image: commdaisy.jpg]
I recently got to work on Daisy, plot twist, this isn't my Daisy. This Daisy is a commission for a friend in the UK.
Made out of a BoCo, I sanitized and sanded it down, then I added Tamiya putty to help smoothen the sides, then I cut the slanted ends, then sanded again, then added the roof bits. Next up on the list is smoothening the sides out again before going in and actually drilling out the windows, completing the body modifications.

There are a few more things happening soon, Rosie and Rebecca are due to arrive this week and the Diesel 10s should hopefully be here next week so I can start work on them as well. Additionally, I still need to, repaint Gordon's buffers, repaint BoCo's roof and face, get Scotsman working (again like the 5th time), and do the other seven commissions.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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If two updates in a month at BPT's is wrong...I don't want you to be right Ffar Big Grin
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • DalaGStanator, FfarquharDeveloper
3/13/2022 Update

Three in a month? Something must be wrong! Nah I'm on spring break so I got some time on my hands finally (and a TON of dust)

My Plarail TS-12 Rosie, TS-08 Rebecca, and one of the Diesel 10s arrived on Thursday!

and also Rebecca and a D10
[Image: thearrival.jpg]

My TS-12 Red Rosie finally came in, glad to finally have her, just upset it took her discontinuation to get her :/ she has RDJ "clearly you don't have an air fryer" smug energy based on the eyelids and eyebrows, you cannot unsee it.

[Image: packagedrosie.jpg][Image: newandold.jpg][Image: air-fryer.jpg][Image: airfryer.png]

I got Plarail Rebecca and immediately after I got home from getting paint I ripped the wheels off (accidentally breaking one of them (whoops!) and swapped them with Bulleid wheels I had painted previously.
Also I'm a bit inconsistent with the Tender because I don't have the decals made yet.

Also painted the running board because red looks tacky and I feel white looks better.
[Image: bananas.jpg][Image: banana-unmodded.jpg][Image: thebeginningofthemods.jpg][Image: pictorial.jpg][Image: altpictorial.jpg][Image: completed-wheelswap.jpg]

I considered making this one D261 but ended up going with D199.
Using methods by Ryan (Shunter8123 on Twitter) I cut the nose ends off the Diesel 10 and sanded it, then I extended it using some polystyrene and superglue to make a base for the Milliput to be applied on top. Later adding the front bufferbeam details using Milliput. I had a face sculpted for him originally but I resculpted it (no photo of the resculpt)
[Image: spamcan1.jpg][Image: spamcan1-5.jpg][Image: spamcan2.jpg][Image: spamcan3.jpg]
[Image: spamcan4.jpg][Image: spamcan5.jpg]

Also got the buffers, waiting for them to arrive at the warehouse so they can be packaged with the other two things so the last three things can be ordered (TS-12 Kenji, TS-14 Ryan and Skiff, S-38 Car Carrier Train)
[Image: Plarail-15-bollards-orange.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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