9/23/2021 Update
Just to clarify to anyone reading this in the future. All dates are formatted in the US Dating System. This post is for September 23rd, 2021.
I reshaped Bertie's nose and added on Milliput to help reshape the front of Algy.
Algy is a bus who works near the Little Western who appeared in the Annuals (and should've appeared in the show in my opinion).
Algy's first appearance depicts him as literally a yellow bertie with a red stripe. I don't like Yellow Algy because it just doesn't seem fitting so like most people with Algy I'm going with his Second design, a Damiler CVD6SD bus, or in simpler terms, a blue bus of different design.
(Pictured Algy's First Design on the left and his second design on the right)
![[Image: algy-mk1.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/Pp3qDgy7/algy-mk1.png)
Algy is being made out of my Childhood Hit Toys Bertie, as I'm low on Yellow-Grey I am using Milliput Superfine White to do Algy. I've still got to add a bit more to get Algy's shape but he's close to being done shape-wise.
- Cheeks
- Leveling out the windows
- Destination Board (the thingy in the center of the front of his roof)
Here is Algy on his own and with Bertie.
![[Image: algy-base1.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/rKbt3rSH/algy-base1.jpg)
I'm gonna try making an effort not to bottle up custom projects and keep them private until completed and instead post as much as I can without interfering with other responsibilities.