City of Truro looks cool Ffar. Are these you Layout pieces?
FfarquharDeveloper's TrackMaster Customs
280 Replies, 126590 Views
Those are Heisel's layout pieces, for the most part, the exception being Dryaw Station, Brendam Docks, and the Giant Thomas.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 07:04 AM by Super.)
8/15/2021 Update
Back to normal with these updates. Flying Scotsman: I'm basing Scotsman on how he could've appeared in the 3rd Series had the production crew had enough budget to make Scotsman himself and not just his tenders. He'll be powered in the same way CT's Duchess is powered when he is rewired to the tender. I modified the Tender first then went to get the Gordon shell swapped out since the screws were stripped and the plastic was from a bad batch TOMY had. Swapped out the Body and the Face with one from my Childhood Hit Toys Gordon after drilling out the Screws and excess plastic in the smokebox (which was transferred from the TOMY one to the Hit Boiler). I plan on getting a second Spencer Tender soon to hopefully replace the coal in the first tender, and to convert it into the Water Tender. Once that's done I can paint up Scotsman.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
Looking good Ffar
8/16/2021 Update
I sent Scotsman down my hallway after he was wired up and boy he is fast.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
8/29/21 Update
i finished the fast man in like 2 weeks and waited to post bts photos publicly past the ones from 2 weeks ago Flying Scotsman: - Painted him up fully - Appearance based on a what-if Series 3 full appearance (had they had the budget to make scotsman himself) - 2 Tenders Arthur: - Repainted him fully and gave him stickers. 41241 is on the concept art, 13 numberplate is HC numberplate since appearance-wise using the few eras and not counting Harvey. Arthur would be number 13 as he arrives after Emily (12) and is there in the sheds before Murdoch's intro episode. - Also yes i am aware the color is off, printer is kinda being mean and doesn't want to print correctly unless it's messed up with the colors. Henrietta: - She has a face. Diesel 10: - While not pictured because I'm too tired to get a proper photo of him right now he's been repainted and needs a new set of stripes before he can be fitted with pinchy. - Also needs to be weathered probably, too bright most likely.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
Great work on Flying Scotsman. If only the producers would've kept Gordon's Pilot model and used it for him temporarily before turning it back into a scrap engine. That way, they might've been able to finish him without having to make him functional. I believe they would've used regular round buffers instead of the oval ones, however.
Regarding Arthur: you could've perhaps painted the yellow lining (aided by tape) and printed the letters and number only to solve the problem.
Fantastic work Ffar...I love it
september projects dump
9/14/21 Edward and Henry: Faces Repainted - Henry S8 Condition - Edward was meant to be S10, ended up closer to S7 Bertie: Got a lift in looks after staying stock standard TOMICA-World for almost 21 years Salty: Finally jumped into the handrail rabbithole Vinnie: Did a bit of work on him Spencer: Disassembled and working on repainting again, also redoing the face Sonny and Rheneas (Commissions for MaxMonty1516): - basically completed with the exception of stickers)
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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