FfarquharDeveloper's TrackMaster Customs

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I sure am liking what I am seeing Ffar. Question: with the shortened wheelbase I take it he won't have traction rods or are they going to be modified too?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • FfarquharDeveloper
He doesn't have them on the prop. His basis has them but I'm basing Fergus off his appearance in the show.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
Blue Circle has coupling rods? I never saw them clearly the whole time, so it must be one of the only steam locos with internal rods.

Unless it's actually a brake, could this be one of them (outlined in yellow)?

[Image: Blue-Circle-Couprod.png]
[-] The following 1 user Likes DalaGStanator's post:
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I'm referring to the cylinder on the boiler with a coupling rod connected to a mechanism powering it's flywheel.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
That makes much more sense because other traction engines have it (except it's concealed on Trevor, George, Buster and Fergus). Turns out the part I outlined does move while the loco is running, but only ever so slightly and not like a coupling rod. Now that I've seen how the actual rod operates, it's more similar to the ones Rocky has to power his arm.
[-] The following 2 users Like DalaGStanator's post:
  • FfarquharDeveloper, Super
3/16/21 Update

Roof, face, and buffer beams all fully repainted to fix the paint loss.
-- Roof and face handpainted with Apple Barrel acrylic Dolphin Grey
--- Face repainted to match its appearance during the 3rd Series
-- Buffer beams airbrushed with Testors enamel Gloss Red
[Image: boco316-1.jpg][Image: boco316-2.jpg][Image: boco316-3.jpg]

Diesel 10:
Face repainted to fix paint loss.
-- Face handpainted with Apple Barrel acrylic Dolphin Grey
--- Face repainted to resemble a Fisher-Price Diesel 10
[Image: d10-316-1.jpg]

Face repainted to match up with Diesel 10 and Dodge
-- Face handpainted with Apple Barrel acrylic Dolphin Grey
--- Face repainted to match what could've been Fisher-Price Splatter
[Image: splatter316-1.jpg][Image: splatter316-2.jpg][Image: splatter316-3.jpg]

Face and body shell repainted to fix paint loss.
​​​​​​​-- Face handpainted with Apple Barrel acrylic Dolphin Grey
​​​​​​​--- Face repainted to resemble a Fisher-Price Splatter
-- Body repainted for the second time with Testors enamel Flat Green
[Image: dodge316-1.jpg][Image: dodge316-2.jpg][Image: dodge316-3.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 1 user Likes FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • Super
That face color looks to be perfect and I love how Diesel 10 turned out as he looks even more menacing than his original expression. Nice work Ffar Smile

4/16/21 Update 1

S4 Duncan and Sir Handel:
Really just got tired of waiting to get new ones and knew that if I got replacements these two would go unused and seeing as my Childhood Skarloey and Rheneas were repainted I didn't want to let these two just go to waste sitting doing nothing so I primed them, I plan on painting them later. (Before asking these are Plarails; Sir Handel is a C10 and I don't know about Duncan as his Production Date Sticker was removed a long time ago.

Preparations for the priming:
[Image: 4-16-21-masking.jpg][Image: 4-16-21-prep-work.jpg]

After Priming:
[Image: 4-16-21-duncan-shell-primed.jpg][Image: 4-16-21-chassis.jpg][Image: 4-16-21-sir-handel.jpg]

I hope I can get these two done as a weekend project. Slightly unrelated but I am going to be upset if the Duncan prop is revealed after I finish Duncan. (Context: Sir Handel's S4 prop is currently in Preservation with no lighting or filters to mess with the color. I'm going to be upset if Duncan is revealed and I had the paint color wrong because of the lighting filter.)

4/16/21 Update 2

Sir Handel:
Just painted him up with a Blue. I'll have to check what kind and brand it is but he was just painted up in an Acrylic Blue.
[Image: Sir-Handel-Repainted.jpg]
Sir Handel in his new Base coat of Blue
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 1 user Likes FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • Super
I like that shade of blue Ffar, nice work Smile
4/18/21 Update

Sir Handel:
Mostly painted up and test fitted.
[Image: sirhandel-4-18-21-L.jpg][Image: sirhandel-4-18-21-R.jpg]

I started painting him up in Yellow.
[Image: duncan-4-18-21-flash.jpg][Image: duncan-4-18-21-nolight.jpg]
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • OrangeElectric, Super

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