Fisher Price TrackMaster Lineup

4 Replies, 4518 Views

I've figured that this probably would've had to do with sales but why did Fisher-Price only make Dodge without Splatter, it just seems silly to have one of the pair without the other and it wouldn't be that hard to swap out green plastic with purple plastic. Adding onto that I don't understand why they didn't bring over Lady either, they had Diesel 10 and Dodge, and were CLEARLY still producing the smaller wheels used on Salty and Lady so why not just produce all 4 TATMR Engines?
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
Not only that, these are all of the engines that Fisher-Price did NOT carry over from HiT Toy Company when they began selling TrackMaster in January of 2010:
  • Bertram
  • Lady
  • Splatter
  • Murdoch
  • Mighty Mac
  • Proteus
  • Billy
  • Hank
  • Flora
So it was possibly lack of sales. They made every other oddball engine like Boco and Arthur and Duke, though.
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  • FfarquharDeveloper
Actually! there is a fisher price Hank. He was available in stores in 2013 for an extremely brief period of time. he was liberated from his tender and had the battery in his boiler. He can be found on a 3rd party FP company on eBay
[Image: hank.jpg]
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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  • MuddyPoppins, Super
i just wish they would bring some of those oddballs into the minis line up! we are finally getting whiff and flying scotsman, but would love to see lady, flora etc, plus more of the road charcters like bulgy.
bachmann is releasing HO scale daisy soon, so maybe fp will introduce her to one of the ranges too?
my website address has changed:
[-] The following 2 users Like sunhuntin's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
If we get a trackmaster daisy, i will pay good money for a minis daisy or even a wood daisy!
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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