How Do You Remove Siderods? (Updated Conclusion)

15 Replies, 20728 Views

Thanks for the suggestion TrainMan2001
Super, I use a similar method to your suggestion. Except instead of using bent nose tweezers I used side cutters (angled cutting pliers). Obviously I don't squeeze to tight or I'll cut the ball part off the rod. Just gently squeeze and use the same lever action to 'pop' the rod out of the wheel. I don't have much experience with the new Trackmaster so I don't know how it goes with the tighter fitment.

The only one drawback I have come across is some models have a softer/flexible plastic side rod. This lever/pull method can stretch the ball part of the side rod making it fit poorly when reinstalled.

I now also use a spot of thin oil on the back side to prevent the softer ones from stretching and to easily slip out the others.
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Helped a lot. Though the older siderods with a gap between the 2 parallel lines are far more brittle than the newer type.
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I have quite a few of those as spares too.
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I mostly use tweezers as well. Some models are easy to pull off with your fingers.
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