2021 Osaka Plarail Expo

20 Replies, 10438 Views

This car: [Image: present2.jpg]
Nia's car: [Image: s-l1600.jpg]

You're not nitpicking, Super. There are no front details; nothing new here. Even the face seems the same. It's the same car, just new colours. Smile
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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I am really liking that Salt Box Car. Wonder if there is a OO scale version that can be converted to Plarail?
There is a TrackMaster 2 wagon that is a decent match for a salt van, it's one of the only TrackMaster 2 wagons that I don't immediately chuck in the parts bin. Pity it isn't a bit taller.
[Image: Track-Master-Timothy.jpg]

There's also a nicer painted and slightly better proportioned one from classic TrackMaster that was in a few things, I have a green one with a black roof from a quarry cars truck pack, but it was available with a few different engines and other truck packs
[Image: Track-Master-Duck-AClose-Shave.jpg]

The old Henry box car is supposed to be a salt van as well I believe, however the roof is not nearly as pitched and having originally been a much older Plarail mold it doesn't have the details any of the others do. It was still being used by Mattel basically unchanged up to the end of classic Trackmaster in various colors.
I'm sure there are a number of OO/HO salt vans you could convert to Plarail easily as well
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
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Trackmaster #1 has a lot of the so call "Salt Van"  Diesel works (Black roof with green body) comes to mine.  In fact there are at least 2 version (one with the logo and other one don't).
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
[-] The following 1 user Likes leylandvictory2's post:
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Well, I don't say this too much but...that Revolution Salt Wagon has much more details than the original Trackmaster version.

In your first picture, Timothy,...does the two Revolution wagons really have real spoked wheels?

Good news (for me) is there really is Dublo OO Salt Wagon exactly like the real one. I am going to have to find one here in the States and see if its possible to modify it.

[Image: 4665-Dublo-SD04-3219756-Qty1-1.jpg]
It appears the toothed wheels are just for the mockup shot, the released Greatest Moments Timothy and the two pack release with just the yellow van both use regular black wheels
[Image: Screenshot-20201022-212412.jpg]
[Image: k2-ee3d4f85-b969-4a12-bd8a-f5a5ccc93081-v1.jpg]

The yellow van that I have has grey wheels, I'm not sure exactly what engine it came with, I believe it was a thrift store lot find
[Image: IMG-20200814-144515-01.jpg]

Wow, that salt wagon is clearly based on that exact real salt van
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
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Bachmann version...
[Image: 500x320.jpg?1481978524]
[-] The following 1 user Likes chrisjo's post:
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Thanks. Its probably for the better as I would have bought dozens just to strip away the wheels for Customs. Big Grin

Thanks Dr Chris, that is even a Thomas one. Didn't you create a custom using a OO Dublo Hopper onto a Plarail Chassis?
(10-23-2020, 08:52 AM)Super Wrote: @Chrisjo
Thanks Dr Chris, that is even a Thomas one. Didn't you create a custom using a OO Dublo Hopper onto a Plarail Chassis?
This thread is already so far off-topic that a bit more divergence won't make much difference!
You're referring to my Bulk Grain Wagon Conversion.
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when the revolution line roll out initially, all the wheels on the rolling stocks don't have spikes or spook on them.  It was like after 2 years of releases, trackmaster starts using the spook wheels to help the trains to navigate the steep hills
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
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